Dirt in PSA Graded Cards

Good Evening,
I hope you are well. This might be a silly question but I am quite picky on condition when it comes to buying cards but would you crack a PSA case, clean the card and grade it again? I’m attaching a picture of an example below.
Kind Regards :blush:

might need to reupload your picture, use thread below :blush:


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To answer your question, if it significantly boosts the grade after a thorough clean, I’d crack open CAREFULLY and clean it and resubmit

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If the dirt is on the card, it’s on you to remove it. You’d have to crack it and resub.

If the dirt is inside of the holder because PSA encapsulated the dirt in there, contact them and let them know, they may reholder it for free.

Solely your decision. I personally wouldn’t buy it if it bothered me that much. Other copies are out there.

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No. The more cards you buy, the less OCD/picky you will become.


Thank you all for your feedback it is much appreciated. The image is uploaded now. The specks of dirt I mentioned can be seen near the neck, under the information bar and under the energy symbols on the first attack.

honestly that wouldn’t bother me at all. If it bothers you that much I would just look for another copy. The only cards that bother me are high graded PSA cards with missed indents or creases.

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