Deoxys gold star pull rate

Hey everyone. Does anyone know the rough pull rate of a gold star card in a Deoxys booster? I have done some reading but can’t find anything on it. I assume it is along the lines of 1 gold star per every 1 or 2 booster boxes

You’re probably right with that ratio. Only Power Keepers have higher pull rates at 1:36 packs

I believe that they are 1:88 packs so roughly 1 in 2 booster boxes. Are you going to be opening packs or cracking a box? or are you just wondering?

Just curious, where did you find out about the pull rate being 1:88 packs?

I’m currently at school and can’t get any more links because of the firewall block system they have here but I did find these.
1:72 pull rate
1:72 pull rate

I don’t know where I was getting 1/88 (I remember reading it somewhere but can’t find it)

(Please let me know if the link don’t work because i tried to copy them off of my phone because of the website blocks)

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Both links didn’t work. I remember seeing 1:72 packs so the 88 packs is interesting because that means 1:2.5 boxes. I don’t think there is an exact number but the estimation of around 2 boxes for a gold star should be around the right estimate.

Our lord and savior, smpratte also said that it was 1/72 in his GS video.

Getting errors with those links, but 1/88 is very likely not true, it’s such a random number, 1/72 is much more likely

It would be great if there are a few full box openings on YouTube. We could probably pin down the rate with those!

PokeSoup opened a Power Keepers box recently and didn’t pull a gold star


I think I fixed it? Maybe? Hopefully? I agree with the 1/72. I have no idea where I got the the 1/88.

I came here expecting to find out there was a super secret deoxys gold star, alas I was disappointed

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I am looking at buying a few packs and was wondering on the odds, considering it is one every two booster boxes I think I will just keep the packs sealed for now. Thanks for your answer though!