Current price check of a complete Vending series 1-3

Wondering about a price range here. I see some listings of a reputable seller I frequent for about $164 each for vending series 1 & 2. Thinking if some had the full 53 card set of series 3 maybe $200+ would be fair guesstimate in this today’s market.


Was thinking all 3 in decent NM/binder quality could push above $500 but I need some support for a possible buy!


In January this year I paid about 650$ for a full 1-3 set of unpeeled sheets, which I think was a good deal even then.
So 400-500 seems reasonable for NM in my opinion.

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Yeah that seems to be a good rate. Now that prices have soared the last month or so the vending series have upped also. Kinda hard to gauge. Not sure about private sales but for all 3 sheets now you may be paying up around 800-1000 from the looks of sold listings. As we’ve heard, where’s the better options! :blush:

May have to fork up $500-$600 for the sets.

Hm I didn’t realize they had moved so much since then. Well, then you 500-600 guesstimate might be be closer to reality than my 400-500.
It’s still a good value buy. Vending Series is incredibly satisfying to look at in a binder.


For sure! I have a Bandai Carddass + Vending series in the works. Just don’t know which I should put at the front!

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140-180 usd each set in NM condition (I’ve seen a private sale).

Thanks! I’m curious to see how things play out. Seems like everything is inflated to some extent. Some will remain but some may have some pull back in the coming months.

i’ve sold some complete sets in ECX+/NM conditions in march - april for 600$ so my guess would be 600-700 for a NM set.

Maybe I can also help weigh-in:

I was offering someone a full vending series bundle about 2 weeks ago:

  • Promo Sheet cards in nm condition
  • Series 1, 50% of the cards are mint, 50% of the cards are nm/m
  • Series 2, freshly peeled, mint/gem mint condition
  • Series 3, freshly peeled, mint/gem mind condition
  • The Ooyama’s Pikachu from series 3 in PSA 10. I went ahead and graded that last year or so.

I had an asking price of 750 euros and the person wanted to offer me 500 at best. In my opinion it was a bit of a lowball, so I declined and have meanwhile been considering getting series 2/3 graded. I still need to properly look at it, since it does look like centering might hold about 20% of the cards back from getting a 10.

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