Could This Become The True Holy Grail Of multi-level marketing?

Along with all my multi-level marketing Kickstarter items I bought last year, I got an envelope with 10 sample packs. I just packed them away unopened. A couple days ago Michael Waddell IG’d me and asked if I ever opened them. I admitted I had no memory of them but I would dig around. Well, I found them and by moving the top cards around I was able to detect what the foil card was inside. Incredibly I got the top three holos including Mothman. It was kinda like finding the Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard.
I asked Michael how many of each were inserted in these sample packs? He said from 5-10 of each but of course they were probably all opened so I could have the only sealed one left.
Could this end up being the Grail of the hobby?
I see Rudy from Alpha Investments is going to be a big player and supporter of multi-level marketing. Plus, over 1000 LGS’s (Local Gaming Stores) have already signed up to sell and promote. Some of our biggest and smartest Pokémon influencers are all in themselves now.
It’s fun going back on our E4 threads and even Scott’s and others multi-level marketing video’s which only serves as a reminder that just because somethings new, doesn’t mean it should be dismissed so easily.
It also doesn’t mean I’m smart. I didn’t get involved early because I thought it would go to the moon. I loved the unique concept as well as loving to support young imaginative people who work hard towards a goal.


One thing I really liked was the girls comment on Scott’s multi-level marketing video. She felt exactly how I felt when I first read about it 9 months ago.

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I saw your video, and was so excited/jealous to see these sample packs! The mothman sample is definitely up there as far a collectability goes, whether it’s the hold grail only time will tell. Chaos crystal is also another one that would be amazing to come across sealed! You also had a Hopkinsville Goblin, right? Another one with amazing art that is so cool sealed. I really wish I had been around early enough to get in on samples :weary:.

As far as the criticism and stuff I really hope this thread doesnt devolve like last time. E4 has really passionate, and smart collectors and I’d love to see what other multi-level marketing collector’s have in their collection or there ideas about collecting multi-level marketing in general, and not blanket criticism from non-multi-level marketing collectors.

You should talk to Michael and see if he could create a multi-level marketing forum. Im sure the people on there would appreciate this post much more than everyone on here


I have to admit multi-level marketing doesn’t attract me in the slightest. The art style is a bit meh compared to the OG Pokémon. However it’s good to see someone making an effort of it.


I’m in the same boat. No matter how many influencers or youtubers start pushing and hyping it telling people to check it out, the cards and art have zero organic interest to me. The only product I would buy would be speculative investments, but I’m nowhere near that confident in it.


multi-level marketing is garbage. Not just the product, but the structure of the IP. You have some goon with wealth passed down from their parents literally bribing every influencer they can to hype a product to people who will more than likely lose money on it. As a game, they don’t even know how it works or if it’s balanced! This guy literally just emulated other games and is selling it as a “collectible” and an “investment” in the hopes that a bunch of suckers will pyramid scheme it away to other suckers until someone gets burned hard for holding the bag too long.

This is a game where the creator lurks in different discords, and if you say anything remotely critical of his junk, he bans or removes you from his discord (a discord with a head mod that loves hearing himself speak so he @'s everyone to oblivion with neverending spam). He went on e4, hyped up his junk until he got his feelings hurt and left, then did the exact same thing in other discords, and so on and so forth making the rounds. Parasitic toxic trash. I feel bad for the people who have to try to talk good about this crap since they received free boxes and packs and are obligated to say something nice, but your subscribers/followers that are going to get burned won’t appreciate it. Any product that comes out the gate with secondary market entry points above most establish booster boxes for huge IP’s like Pokemon are an obvious pyramid scheme.

You may as well go sell knives or Amway products at this point. The entire discord read like some sort of pennystock/altcoin community where they’re praying to the gods that the prices will go up via exposure so they can unload their “positions” on this crap. No one actually likes it! They don’t actually play it! They buy it and keep it sealed in hopes to unload it for more. Literally that is the ground-zero, early-entry community of Meta-Zoo.

It’s a fucking embarassment as a whole to the entire pokemon community seeing this clown get so many established pokemon influencers/collectors/youtubers to buy-in to his absolute garbage of a “product” just so they can make a few bucks if it temporarily goes up in price to people who believe in/follow them before an inevitable crash.


Sample Set Chansey is an incredibly cool card with an English front and Japanese back, secretive release, and display of e-reader technology. Perhaps it should be considered the holy grail of Pokemon. Just a thought.


Do you guys go to the yugioh or any of the other side collection thread and just start voicing your dislike? I don’t understand why you all feel the need to do this. You don’t like something, move on. This is exactly what happened last time…

Also, one last thing to say here. Those comments are likely inorganic. There is literal astroturfing taking place within that community. The force-fed hyping doesn’t stop with having influencers position posts and videos about this junk. They then link all those posts to their little discord community and those “investors” then comment in droves to say good things about the product. Literally astroturfing like you see during the primary and general elections, but over some shilled junk product. So when you show me screen shots of someone saying something positive about this trash, take it with a grain of salt. It’s likely someone holding a “position” on multi-level marketing packs and boxes that just can’t wait for you to think there’s an opportunity there and get suckered into spending a whole lot of money for something that will die out in under two years if not sooner.

Buy real card games and collectibles; not generics pretending to be something they are not.


This is a pokemon forum not a multi-level marketing forum and the community here can voice any opinion they want. If we were going to some multi-level marketing forum to voice a dislike, then you’d have a valid argument.

Don’t get your feelings hurt that a lot of people here took a deep dive into this guy’s horseshit and didn’t like what they were smelling.



Because Kazuki Takahashi and Konami didn’t go around trying to shill their tcg with mediocre play rules to a different community, multi-level marketing is a rip off of a lot of already existing Pokemon card artworks. Like @chrisbalestra , said its a knock off of a already existing product.


So its only 5-10 of this card given out in samplepacks? Strange how the creator don’t know how many was sampled and asked you if you opened yours and you have one :thinking:

What are the other sample cards? Are they less rare?

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Me right now.


Collectibles are in a weird place today. There are more people collecting than ever, which is a great macro positive. However, metazoo is one of many examples of the growing shilled quick money trends. Imagine in 1999 if the owners of pokemon messaged influences about sending free product to leave a positive review. Or joining multiple platforms to first hand spam their product. The forceful inorganic vibe is off putting to say the least.

I collect Pokémon cards because my friends and I just loved them as a kid. Not because Tajiri gave me free contrived sample packs. Not because I could flip them in a month for more money. That culture is going to burn a lot of people financially and emotionally.

As times change, E4 has to adapt. Any sponsored topics made by people known to have been given product or directly sponsored will be locked and/or removed.