Here’s a story a bit different than the ones given above - not seeking-out additional cards, but offering assistance to someone that’s in-need (sorry in advance for the length)…
Back when I was in high-school, someone walked into my Dad’s Coin Shop (walk-in off the street - had never been into the shop before). Fortunately, I was working with my Dad that day and got to talking with this gentleman for awhile. As it turned-out, this gentleman’s father had owned a card-shop back in the 80’s and 90’s - and had passed-away awhile back. So, this gentleman was looking to sell-off his father’s remaining inventory (which was being kept within a storage locker). He described the inventory as being 1980’s and 90’s Sports Cards - and mentioned how he had been to a few local card-shops only to be turned-away without any assistance and/or a low-ball offer on everything. He was getting very discouraged and really wasn’t sure how he was going to deal with all of this inventory that had been left to him (other family members weren’t at all interested in any of this stuff).
At the time my Pokemon eBay Business was in full-swing; however, I didn’t have any knowledge of Sports Cards (none at all). I wanted to help the gentleman out; but, I didn’t have the funds and/or knowledge of Sports Cards to be of much assistance to this gentleman. I threw-out an offer for him anyway though… I told him that I would be interested in researching and selling the inventory on eBay and take a commission on everything that sold - he was THRILLED! Later that day, he returned with a small portion of this inventory - there must have been 10-20 boxes FULL of various Sports Cards / Packs / Sets… Let the fun begin!
To make a long-story short, I quickly learned how tough 1980’s and 90’s Sports Cards were to sell - for those that aren’t familiar, these cards are basically worthless! But, I stuck to my guns - getting very creative with selling this inventory. And each month I would give the gentleman a run-down of everything that I sold, give him his pay-out, and he would return with more inventory. This went-on for about 6 Months in which time we built-up a GREAT relationship.
Then one day, he came into the shop and told me that this was the last of his father’s inventory. I remember him saying he wasn’t sure if anything in this last bath was going to be worth anything at all as it wasn’t Sports Cards (that’s why he had held-off on these boxes). The shop must have been busy that day or something, because I didn’t give the boxes much thought while he was there. However, later that day, when I started looking-through what he had brought-in I was SHOCKED! Finally, something within my realm! Haha There were boxes upon boxes of Pokemon!!! There was a case of each BK Toys, BK PokeBalls, and 9-Card Sheets. And we’re just getting started… Cases of Promo Cards (WB (Catch Mew), Legendary Bird, and Entei); hundreds of Ancient Mew; case of Unl. Jungle Set Booster Boxes; case of Unl. Fossil Set Booster Boxes; Sealed / MINT Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow Games. I was absolutely blow-away by all of this; it was really SO FUN just being able to look-through all of this stuff!
I was so excited, I had to give the gentleman a call and tell him that we had hit the jack-pot! Haha He could tell how excited I was about this portion of the inventory. He asked me if I wanted to purchase the Pokemon Inventory outright; and I told him I wasn’t sure of the exact value and/or if I could have afforded to purchase everything outright. But, he told me to make-up a list of everything with the retail-value and my “buy-price” and e-mail him with the details. I generally tried to purchase everything at 50% Retail back then, but the total was still well above what I could afford (still in high-school after-all). But, I e-mailed him anyway asking if he would accept $X in a payment-plan. The next day, he called me back saying a payment-plan was fine, but he didn’t agree with my pricing (my heart sank at this point)… No, he said, you’ve helped me out so much these past few months, give me $X - my cost ended-up being right around 25% Retail.
If it weren’t for me being in the shop that day, I would have never met this gentleman. And if it weren’t for me willing to help-out someone in-need, I would have never had the opportunity to even see the Pokemon Inventory - which supported my eBay Business for a LONG TIME! Just goes to show you that good things can happen to the “good guys”!