Changing the formatting of my e4's favorite polls going forward

I’m looking to change up the way I do these polls moving forward, and I am curious what y’all think…

previous format

(i will edit this if people propose other up or downsides)

first round:

  • Thursday - Friday (24hrs)
  • everyone votes on any and all cards they feel should be included in the final poll (unlimited votes)

second round:

  • Friday - Sunday (48hrs)
  • everyone can select up to 5 options as their favorites


  • limited votes in the final poll makes each vote matter more/be more reflective of people’s true favorites.
  • More suspense


  • less engagement for the final poll than the first

other side effects of this format

  • seeing what cards don’t make the cut for the top 25 (only relevant for pokemon that have a relatively large card pool)
  • seeing which cards made it to the final poll, but then received little to no votes when the limitation of only 5 votes was placed

theorized format moving forward:

(i will edit this if people propose other up or downsides)

one round

  • Thursday or Friday - Sunday (runs through the weekend, ends on Sunday regardless)
  • everyone votes on just their favorites (unlimited votes)

potential upsides:

  • more engagement for the final tally
  • the results would be more reflective of people’s actual favorites instead of token votes going to classics over other cards that people like, but perhaps have less prominence/priority over their limited allocation.
  • being able to do mons like charizard and eventually pikachu in one mega poll instead of having to do many rounds to narrow down the lists(mainly with pikachu)

potential downsides:

  • less suspense (could be remedied by a longer voting window potentially)
  • more votes for cards that people like, but wouldn’t actually choose to be among their favorites

other side effects of this format

  • different format means (likely) different results than what we’ve experienced so far, but only compared to previous polls
  • less work on my end :slight_smile: