Brainstorming an E4 Art contest, ideas? (UPDATE w/ Launch!)

Very interesting idea! I’m not an artist, but I look forward to seeing all of the great submissions. :blush:

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@cooltrainertony , your post prompted me to double check the release date… Incredible — I was off by a whole year! :dizzy_face:

This looks like it’s really coming together, @brendantheclayboy ! It’s a fun idea! Artwork should be made specifically for the event(s) though, right? The last time I drew something was when I made a V-Day card with a pink Butterfree for my wife like eight years ago. I can try to psyche myself up to do something new if you don’t want me to submit my masterpiece from yesteryear.

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Good point to bring up @taizokai .

I would say that as long as it is your work, and has never been used for any other contest or entry (Secret Santa drawings for example would be off limits), it would be fine. After all, for the next contest, you’d need to come up with another one if you entered again! I would say anything you’ve done only for yourself or friends would be allowed. No one would technically know or be able to prove otherwise anyway, so technically that would have to be allowed.

That is my suggestion. I want to be as encouraging as possible for as many people to enter as we can. I am already getting down all I ideas I see, so to bring forth a proposal for all details as this comes brainstorming comes nearer to completion. This is just day one of the prop, so I’d like this to remain active for at least a week before moving forward into the next phase, if this works out.


@brendantheclayboy ,

E4 custom trophy and participation cards may spark some additional interest, don’t know the cost but I’d contribute monetarily.

EDIT: Here is a concept sketch (I don’t think I’ll be winning)


i’m keen. If the entries are superb The Pokemon Company could take note and use some of the art for future card releases :grin:


If there’s enough interest I could probably make some custom winner cards. I’ve got some experience producing card / board games, and just recently printed off some custom placeholder cards for my collection:


The last few have gotten me committed to the idea of the original submission category being broad enough to have both original drawings including anything ranging from custom cards like trainers (if anyone is brave enough), to simpler trophy or grouping Pokemon drawings, to just basic full scale drawings that aren’t conceptualized to be on a card, but could be per se.

@dreamtech, wonderful idea. I would hope that if the whole contest becomes enough to go forward, it could eventually foster this sort of accompaniment or even better, prize incorporation. Even if just for fun, the custom card prize idea is a fantastic thing to consider. I’m all for that!

I would like to see a NEW style trophy card than. Something really full art, no borders at all. And that also wouldn’t mean; no trophy and no Pikachu in it. Let us, the community, show Nintendo why their design choices are limiting creativity.
Also, I would pick up my pencils and try something out. I had an awesome idea for Secret Santa but really couldn’t find the time to put it together.


I think this is an awesome idea, and would love to give it a shot! I used to be sort of artsy in high school, so let’s see if I can pull those skills out of somewhere! My suggestion would be that each month maybe the contest for that month be based around a theme. That would encourage everyone to make original artwork, specific to the contest. Didn’t see that suggested yet as I was skimming through the thread, so just thought I’d put it out there!


I’d be willing to judge artistic works. Used to judge events back before COVID.


That better be a map of Kanto #gen1bestgen

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Nah, gen 2-3 is where it’s at.

Ok so here’s a concept for the winners I drew, the blank space is where the winners art goes. Or we could do a no 1, 2, 3, 4 trainer. I know the mythicals suck, I drew them in 30 seconds. If we go with this design I can improve them significantly.


@kromaticlanturn I love the idea of themes, but I’d say the best bet to have this work and not fizzle out would be annual or semi annual. I was thinking Spring and Fall, but either way, 2 at most.

Yes @kingboo64, a winner or trophy card seems to be a great prize or secondary prize. I feel if we beef it up to make runner ups have a solid trainer or trophy card that would be cool, and have main winner of each category get an additional prize. That needs more ideas, we need more.

If we met a threshold to begin contest, but didn’t quite have enough to warrant 2nd and 3rd place in terms of a prize, we would do winner take all, but at least publish standings so contestants and non participating members knew who the runner ups were by way of score.


Fantastic idea, kudos @azulryu, @brendantheclayboy,

Could flog the entries for $/£. I am redecorating the man cave and could do with some wall worthy art work to pad out wall space.


Oh man, I’m super stoked for this. Should be fun.


Quick n dirty with some of my older art

ArtiUNO is No.1 :stuck_out_tongue:


Dude that’s not fair to the normies like myself, we can’t let professionals participate.

(just kidding… or well… maybe not)

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Don’t worry @muk, I have a perfect game plan already made up to encourage everyone who might not otherwise participate. I will be updating the OP soon with a sort of consolidated grouping of all ideas and some of my own so far. I will do this tonight or tomorrow!

Not to worry! This is not meant to be exclusive! It will be great!