bigvenusaur's collection

Hey fellow collectors,

So I was thinking to show you some of my collection and collection additions in this thread! hope you will enjoy!

First of I want to show you some of my sealed product for my Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur collection.

I found these themedecks for a decent price and they are in awesome condition so i thought, why not grab m?

Further i couldn’t resist to buy these…

And some of my PSA cards. Gotta love Pikachu!

stay tuned for some more :wink:


The Bulbasaur on the LG/FR starter is amazing. Totally forgot about him.

This evening i got my package back from Barney (Ludkins Collectibles). i sended in 30 cards (of wich i sold some already :stuck_out_tongue:) and i was really happy with the returns!

first off we have the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place victory medals all in Gem mint 10!

second we have the Mario and Luigi pikachu full art cards (and the normal versions)

can’t have the cosplay pika’s without these!

some additions to my venusaur collection! really happy with the full art!

some charizards! kinda sad the english one didn’t get a 10… but a 9 is also really sweet!

and pikachu’s! don’t know why i graded all those evolutions cards though :unamused:

getting in some ungraded cards very soon! (not that special but i like m)