Best way to collect new card sets?

In your opinion what’s the best way to collect the new pokemon card sets? I’m referring to the most recent expansions. I’ve been buying boosters and have probably spent a good £100 on burning shadows and factoring in rev holos, holos, gx cards, duplicates…i’m starting to think that just buying them individually might be better. Maybe start with the first 20 boosters and then buy the single cards after that on ebay or elsewhere because most are so easy to get.

I’m mostly thinking of the commons-rares but in hindsight, maybe i woulda saved more money if i just bought them all outright. Some people sell the entire common-rare set now for £20, then it’s definitely cost effective to buy the gxs individually because the odds of getting one are too high to be worth buying loads of boosters for it.

Best? What does best mean?

Cheapest way? Wait 2 years or so (or collect sets that are already > 2 years old)

Easiest way? Buy a whole set someone put up on eBay.

Funnest way? Buy a couple booster boxes, hunt down the remaining cards as singles.

Cheapest, easiest, funnest way? That’s an optimization problem I don’t want to touch :blush:

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Best way is to wait till it’s no longer a recent set. So between the set you collect and the newest release are two sets minimum. This means the packs are still packed in products like the Tins, ETB’s and EX/GX boxes but no longer in check lanes etc. The set is still play legal so with every new set new packs gonna be popped of the older you collect to hunt down cards for newer or older strategies.

I mean most efficient in terms of cost, probably should of clarified but thanks for all those options xD

After 2 sets have passed does that set become cheaper in general? So if I bought burning shadows now, it would be cheaper than upon release>?

Sealed product will still cost the same, singles have settled at their lowest price points except for maybe a few very playable SR/FA’s and trainers.

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I’d say buy a booster box, or a certain number packs depending on the set size, that will net you most of the commons/uncommons rares. Hope you pull the money cards as your ultra rares. Buy the rest as singles.

You could buy every single card as a single, but it’s boring.

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buy a booster box, crack it…see what you get and go from there. can probs pick up the holo and non holo rares in ebay lots dirt cheap aswell. itll just be the ex and other shiny st00fss that youll need to figure out the best way to catch em all