Battle on top of Mt. Silver

When I first battled red in Pokémon silver my mind was blown. I mean that’s the perfect final boss. You battle yourself from the game before.

What were your thoughts when you first encountered red? Do you think it was the best way to end the game? Can a moment like this be replicated in a Pokémon game?


Finding Red at the top of Mt. Silver was one of the few playground rumors that ended up actually being true!


This was such a brilliant idea! I played gold for the first time a few years back and it completely blew my mind! I don’t think it’s possible to incorporate the previous generation as well as they did with kanto and johto.


Finding Steven in meteor falls after Wallace was close but not quite as good as red I’ll admit


When I first played G/S/C when they were released, I never knew about Red. It wasn’t until 2011 that I learned about him and beat him with a lv 55 team of Eeveelutions

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Formative moment to be honest. Back before I was on the internet or using guides, not only finding Kanto but the og player character at the end was incredible. I’d never had a video game experience like that before.


the music



Honestly, it took a friend telling me there was a strong trainer up there to really do anything on Mt. Silver. I’d put so many hours into Gold, but I’d never really gone there or known about Red. I knew he was supposed to be hard, but I really enjoyed just how challenging it was. For once my Typhlosion/Ho-oh combo didn’t sweep. I was convinced every game had this. It set the standard to me. So I went in Sapphire and talked to EVERY NPC. And was disappointed. Then Emerald came out and I found out about Steven. And I was disappointed. To this day, I still play through Gen 2 for this fight. Because it feels so satisfying. Something that a trainer battle hasn’t made me feel since Cynthia when D/P first came out. And no I haven’t played B2/W2 for the Cynthia battle yet.

That was such a great gaming moment. My mind was also blown when I first went through the caves at the end of the game and came out to the previous games map. No moment in gaming since has surprised me like that.


… O.o

Even all the remixes of this theme are bangers

You know what? Hear this.
Back in the day I didn’t play RBY, but was watching the anime, since I was like… 5/6 yo when GS came out.
I genuinely thought it was Ash from the anime.

Only later I discovered the real plot.

It’s funny to think about it >20 years later, but seems like I am the only stoopid one here so I guess someone had to do it

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To be fair to you, Ash is based on Red, and Red’s team in G/S/C is based on Pokemon Yellow, which was based on the anime.

So you weren’t that far off lol.


Yeah but the 2 characters have been heavily splitted with time due to the various media (anime, games, manga, tcg, ecc…) And the community.

Since in GS there are some anime references, I thought this was just another cameo.

Also worked against me not having played RBY by that time, so the whole theme of “battling your own old self” wasn’t in the context either.

And this last part expecially made me revalue the whole battle once I grow up and played RBY.


Also Yellow took a different direction from the anime itself, because of anime not catching up fast enough, so it just remarked another difference between the characters, putting Yellow’s Red on a different, parallel dimension from both Ash and RB’s Red.
Even manga’s Red by both physical and psychological design is different from the others.

This stuff’s like Lupin the 3rd Red Vs Green if you think about it

Reason 1,383,923,928,928 G/S/C are peak Pokémon.

I’ve found there’s definitely something to enjoy about every generation, even S & V. Gen 2 was incredible though. I’m sure I’m also blinded by nostalgia, but whatever.


I remember being blown away. We didn’t really have the internet back when I was a kid and G/S came out so it was one of the last games that I played through blind without having seen much in the way of previews, spoilers, or walkthroughs. I really miss that kind of experience! I think I’d only seen some maps and screenshots of the first couple of towns and routes from the Japanese version in a magazine when the G/S hype was just beginning and that was it.

That Snorlax was a pain in the ass because I didn’t tend to use fighting Pokemon for some reason. In the end I had to bring a Misdreavus and Mean Look/Perish Song combo just to get rid of it.

I did once see a Youtube comment about this battle that went pretty deep and said that, because you were technically facing your player character from the Red/Blue games that you’d played before, it was the moment you discovered a major life revelation: that the biggest battle of all is against yourself.

Oh and the music was epic. Still listen to it and various remixes today.