Are these true factory sealed theme decks?

Hello all, I have purchased 4 theme decks from 1999. They were advertised as factory sealed, and I just want to know if anyone could confirm they are in fact factory sealed. They were from trusted sellers on eBay, however, I want to be sure. As I won’t be opening them, and don’t want to find out in 5+ years if I were to open them they were just resealed.


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Look good to me. Top and bottom pics?

Thanks for your fast reply, here are the top and bottom. One thing that worries me is that I know the damage counters are to come in a bag, and 3 of them make no sound damage counter sound, only the token. However, for the lockdown theme deck it makes the damage counter sound as if its going all over the place. Now would it be possible the bag could have gotten loose, or opened on its own over time? To me the lockdown box seems a little off compared to the others, as the plastic is a tad looser, however, the box itself is a little damaged which could be causing that.

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You can check other listings and compare the seal:

The plastic on a resealed items will often have a different feel. Usually the really noisy when crinkled, brittle plastic. Chances are, they will not be able to replicate the seams.

You’re overthinking this. Nobody is resealing $20 Jungle/Fossil theme decks.

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They look fine to me. I’ve got a few with vertical seams like those.

Yeah, I’m on board with this. Cheap sealed product is pretty safe.