Are PSA slabs 100% UV protected?

Hey all

I read different things on the internet. I know they are UV protected but I’m not sure if they are a 100% :confused:
Would a graded card fade over time when left in direct sunlight?

And how about the graded card sleeves, do they offer UV protection? @garyis2000 @smpratte @cbd1235

Thanks guys :blush:

Even if I was told for a fact they were 100% UV resistant, I would be paranoid about my collectibles and keep them out of sunlight. Forgive me for not having the answer to your actual question. I would just hope this is not applicable in most cases.


Of course I wont take my trophy cards out with me to get a sun tan :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone have an idea to my question?

Don’t quote me on this, since I have only used PSA for two years, but I am pretty sure they are not 100% UV-resistant. I wouldn’t have a clue on how much resistance they offer, though.


Have you ever seen transparent sunglasses?

Well to be fair sunglasses are tinted to provide shade so there isn’t so much glare. Clear lenses (and sunglasses) definitely can be UV resistant to protect your eyes as its a treatment that can be applied over a lens or worked into the material itself. Museums also use UV resistant glass to protect art etc. I bought a cool Japanese woodblock print for my room and when I had the frame made up I chose UV resistant glass to protect it.

Anyway, UV resistance protects your eyes from sun damage but surely it doesn’t help you see I’m the sun :wink:

PSA cases definitely have UV resistance to them, but how much is not something I would know. I really want to hear the answer to this! I’ve heard many conflicting things about the degree of UV protection.

I know I was just exaggerating the issue. As Rusty already said none of us would leave their expensive collectibles exposed to midday sun so I think it’s almost redundant to know the answer to this…

I am not talking about cards that are worth $50 and can be exchanged easily. I’m talking about cards worth several thousand dollars. So even if the cards are not left in direct sunlight, it’s an important thing to know… at least for me. No need for you to reply if you don’t know the answer anyways.

@ Jason: I will try and get in touch with PSA to find out more :blush:

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Pass mal auf ich kann hier in jedem thread so oft oder so wenig posten wie ich es für richtig halte, unabhängig davon ob es dir gefällt oder nicht! Dass ich nicht so viel wie einige andere in meine Sammlung investiere oder investiert habe gibt mir nicht weniger Rechte als dir. Bisher konnte deine Ausgangsfrage noch von keinem beantwortet werden, schreibst du den anderen jetzt auch dass sie nicht antworten dürfen? Überleg mal ob das menschlich so in Ordnung ist was du da gerade geschrieben hast.

Sorry I didn’t have the time to write that in English and I wanted avoid any misunderstandings…

Yes something that has puzzled me. I may have cards hung up in pool room and sun can come in occasionally. I wonder if it would be sever enough to fade them through glass doors etc.


I say the 100% uv protection is false. The U.S. government (who has technology that is 20 years more advanced than now) is still trying to understand uv rays. I’m sure in at least 10 years they’ll say they found a better way to protect the card. If you can’t avoid sunlight on cards then opt for it.

Yes I am not sure 100% UV protection can exist, but I’m sure they can get close to the point where the difference is marginal even over decades.

I’m anxious what PSA says when @pokeg contacts them (if he is)

There’s a couple things to keep in mind about uv protection, if you need it. Ultraviolet rays increase 4% for every 300-400 meters in altitude. Shade decreases uv rays by 50%. UV rays are caused by the sun, black light, and uv lights. Ultraviolet light is not light. This is an invisible wave of energy, able to pass solid objects.

Resistant under all “normal” conditions. I’ve had cards displayed under all types of lighting for many years and the protection holds up perfectly.
Extreme conditions should be avoided though.

Now I’m not familiar with the make up of the brand new plastic being used for the new PSA cases so I can’t speak on that. I can tell you, a properly treated plastic case costs a lot more than untreated so any grading company looking to cut costs may start there. PSA, SGC, and BGS are all doing quite well so I may not worry about their cases.

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There’s a cheap way to make your cards uv resistant, without special card holders. UV rays give off radiation. This is why people get sun spots.
Go to your local scrap yard and buy some cut up lead sheet. A sheer can easily cut the length you need. Store your cards in a box. Put a black towel on it. Then use the lead to line the towel. Technically this is uv resistant without the price.
This would really help keep the cards in high altitude.
If you want cards on display, this wouldn’t be the best option.
If you want to store cards for 10+ years this would be a awesome option. I work at a scrap yard and plan on keeping the cards for 50+ years untouched. So this is my method, after studying different metal traits. I also consider local disasters. I live in tornado alley, these cards are left in a basement. I also keep them atleast 10 ft. away from water pipes. Finally, I live on a hill, with good drainage. I keep them atleast 1 foot off the ground.

I guess we were all wrong:

"Hello Gerald,

Unfortunately, the PSA Holders are not UV protected.

If you have any more questions feel free to contact PSA Customer Service at (800)-325-1121

Thank You,

Andres Teutli
PSA Customer Service"

I’m really surprised… Beckett do have UV protection as far as I know… that would be a real advantage…

Hmmm…I had a talk with Laura Rosenberg about this very subject. She left PSA recently after many years on the job.
I believe the misunderstanding is sun induced ultra violet rays.
My concerns weren’t direct sunlight uv but fluorescent and other artificial lighting uv emissions and their affect on the cards inside the cases.
Sorry for leaving that out and causing confusion.
It certainly goes to figure that a case left in direct sunlight would be problematic. But a case displayed in your house would be less so. Varying amounts of uv from indoor lighting should be just fine, at least from my experience.