Accidentally Destroying Cards...

Yup… Just had a major booboo. There I was taking my Mint condition binder card out for grading and replacing it with a near mint copy more suitable for the binder and “CRUNCH”. I accidentally fold over the top of the card removing it from the sleeve. Net loss? About 100 bucks given expected value of a PSA 9 1st edition base set Kakuna. God it hurts to look at the card now.

I was using a perfect fit sleeve which can be very tight on the cards. It’s still removed easily enough if careful and the issue is that I was not… I held the card too low down and pushed at a slight angle to fudge it up. Be aware when using tight sleeves folks and learn from my foolishness.

Have you ever messed up a card by accident? I would love to hear about it.


<a href=)Accidental creases hurt" alt=“” style=“max-width:100%;”>




No problemo, just use two energy to stiffen it


You should watch @smpratte open up Japanese booster packs with his scissors. Accidental destruction guaranteed!

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Yes it’s rough sorry! I know the feeling :weary: somehow scraped these both with tool resulting in major scratches on corner


So you flipped tails?

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That’s awful.

A couple months ago I damaged a Neo Destiny Shining Tyranitar which I was preparing for submission.

I noticed what appeared to be a tiny spec of dirt stuck onto the shiny foil. It was stuck on pretty good, so it took some force to remove it, which I did using a microfiber cloth. However… it took some of the shiny foil with it, leaving behind a white spot of exposed card stock where the dirt spec was. I would have been much better off just submitting the card as it was. The dirt wasn’t very visible, but the white spot is obvious since it contrasts the surrounding foil.

Fortunately it was just a childhood card, but still it’s frustrating!


Recently I was sorting some cards and dropped a Japanese Gardevoir ex from Dragon Frontiers on the floor without realising. Shortly after I rolled my chair over it :blush: Though it did have a bend already, it had good centering which is really unusual for Japanese Dragon Frontiers.

Also, a few years ago I bought a Venomoth holo from Jungle, which it turned out the seller had laminated (:thinking:?) I didn’t really know what to do with it, until one day I said screw it and tried to help it escape. The card got absolutely ruined (obviously) lol. It’s a shame, because it looked extremely clean.

A while back, I saw an Instagram post about someone preparing an M Charizard EX secret rare for submission, accidentally dropping it, rolling back in their chair to get it, and inadvertently rolling right over it.

At least its only an uncommon /s

I actually remember when I was a kid I creased my Absol ex with my elbow on accident. I felt shook looking at it back then lol.

I remember buying for $4 in an ebay auction a Tri-Horned Dragon LOB 1st Ed “MINT” I ripped the top off the bubble mailer only to find I had torn into the card. No toploader, sleeve or anything. I always prod at packages now before tearing an edge off.

Also I try to never use perfect fit sleeves. They are just asking for trouble.


I can´t forget the day when I drilled a wooden board, just to find out that I drilled through one of my binders that was laying under the board - In there was a master set of mysterious treasures, oh the pain.


Twice thus far, but both with a Yu-Gi-Oh card. Pokémon never (yet), and I hope that remains true forever…

One of the cards was a Korean Prismatic Secret Rare God card which was reasonably tough to find. When putting it in the Dragon Shield sleeve I wasn’t careful enough and pushed when it wasn’t parallel to the sleeve, so it left a crease similar as your Kakuna…

And the other one was a metal Yu-Gi-Oh card. NM opened from the package, I had put it on the table, and somehow accidently brushed the sleeve of my sweater past it causing it to slide off the table onto the ground. Of course it had to lend exactly on one of the corners, leaving a huge folded corner… :sob: I tried to carefully bend it back with some pliers, which corrected it somewhat, but it’s still easily noticeable…


If you did that on twitch you would have made some big $ back

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Ouch! :sob: Can’t imagine what it must feel like to accidentally drill through your binder.


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Early on in collecting my EX Deoxys set, I tried to scrape a smudge/piece of dirt off of the art on a reverse holo Vigoroth (thankfully just a $5 card lol). Of course, as anyone familiar with EX Deoxys will not be surprised to hear, I ended up scraping off a bunch of ink on the art, too.

I’ve had much worse in MTG, though. I stepped on an Unlimited Mox Sapphire (at the time worth ~$1k, now worth several times that). Got creased. Freshman year, I left my Skithiryx EDH deck on the floor of my dorm common room after playing some games with a friend (we had class together and were going to resume after class). Of course, I come back and my Russian foil Skithiryx was destroyed. Still don’t know exactly how it happened, but my assumption was that someone stepped on it. Sad times.

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Nooo!! :sob:

It actuall went through smoothly, I had two blocks set up where the board was laying on, and inbetween there was the binder, somehow.
Drilled through a solid 7 pages, hit a few holos and reverses but luckily nothing too valuable (at least at the time of this accident, in 2019…) - I was in shock anyways though as I couldn´t explain how that binder got there.

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Im curious, what is the risk of using perfect fits?

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This belongs here, but it is hard to watch.

Warning: Strong language