$5000 buying WOTC booster boxes

I’ve seen this photo in every Australian group lmao

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nice collection! :blush:

Where abouts in Australia are you?

These boxes are not his btw guys, they’re from this listing; www.ebay.com.au/itm/WOTC-4-Pokemon-1st-Edition-NEO-Booster-Box-Complete-Set-Sealed-Neo-Destiny-Rev/223054262584?hash=item33ef11f138%3Ag%3AwGkAAOSw0wtawCw1&LH_PrefLoc=2&_sop=16&_sacat=0&_nkw=pokemon+booster+box&_from=R40&rt=nc

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And ?

I never stated that these are mine?
Sex sells and i took a sexy pic to attract attention.
Nuff said mate

Melbourne mate

Ive posted it on like 12 pages haha

You need to state your offer for the 3 different boxes, it is a rule of the forum. I have a minty jungle 1st ed for sale, shipping to Australia won’t be cheap though :confused:

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people were commenting ‘nice collection’ you don’t need to take everything as an attack on you ‘mate’!, ya might not get blocked by ebay sellers :wink:

Yeah i apologize i took the the wrong way.

I can’t state an offer for something if i dont know what it is lol, i put 5k up there as id like to not go over that, should of stated that hey.
Yeah shipping will be a bitch but i do have a friend going to u.s in 2 weeks
Are you able to pm me please?

You have $5000 to spend, but the question was how much you’re willing to pay for each box indivualy. It helps sellers

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Im looking for wotc boxes, there quite alot.of them and im not going to price each and every one.
Its a post to ask/see what people have and then 8 can offer…

Here I can help…

Base Set- $XXXX
Jungle - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Fossil - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Base set 2 - $XXXX
Team Rocket - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Gym Heroes - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Gym Challenge - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Neo Genesis - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Neo Discovery - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Neo Rev - $XXXX 1st - $XXXX
Neo Destiny - $XXXX 1st - Doubtful
Legendary Collection - Doubtful
Expedition - $XXXX
Aquapolis - Doubtful
Skyridge - Doubtful


Sorry i don’t have as much time on my hands, seems like you might though :joy:

Im just asking what so you have and we can go from there jeeez trying to over complicate something very simple.

Time or no time, it’s a rule on the forum here to state the exact item you want, and the exact price you’re paying. No way around it.

It takes just a few minutes, and saves everyone from possibly wasting time.


I’ve got a green wing base set booster box. $4k cash if your friend is picking it up in person.

Can you msg me please :blush:

If you spend the time to fill out your price, it’ll help both you and others. There’s like 15 numbers to fill out. You are not marrying yourself to the numbers but gives people some help.