WTB/WTT for 1st Edition Base Set Cards PSA 10


I’m new to the forum so forgive me if I’m not following proper procedure. I’m currently working on completing my 1st edition base set in PSA 10. I have 64 of the 102 in PSA 10, almost all rares (missing Lass and Super Energy Removal) and a few uncommons.

I have a bunch of PSA 10 Team Rocket, Jungle and Fossil holos for trade; also have a 1st edition PSA 10 Shining Charizard for trade.

I don’t have any of the base set holos - any advice or insight is much appreciated. :blush:

Please let me know if anyone is selling or looking to trade PSA 10 1st edition base holos.

With these cards being so valuable you most likely won’t get any interested sellers or people willing to trade unless you state your offers of what you are willing to pay.


I’d be willing to pay $1500 - $2000 for holos, depending on which ones. All of the cards I have are als in the newest PSA casing.

I have the following for trade:

1st Edition PSA 10 Shining Charizard (Neo Destiny)

1st Edition PSA 10 Dark Raichu (Team Rocket)
1st Edition PSA 10 Dark Dugtrio (Team Rocket)
1st Edition PSA 10 Dark Hypno (Team Rocket)
1st Edition PSA 10 Dark Machamp (Team Rocket)
1st Edition PSA 10 Dark Slowbro (Team Rocket)

1st Edition PSA 10 Pidgeot (Jungle)
1st Edition PSA 10 Vileplume (Jungle)
1st Edition PSA 10 Electrode (Jungle)
1st Edition PSA 10 Vileplume (Jungle)
1st Edition PSA 10 Flareon (Jungle)

1st Edition PSA 10 Zapdos (Fossil)
1st Edition PSA 10 Hypno (Fossil)
1st Edition PSA 10 Muk (Fossil)
1st Edition PSA 10 Aerodactyl (Fossil)
1st Edition PSA 10 Ditto (Fossil)

What value do you put on the cards you have for trade? People might also be unwilling to do high value trades like this with a new user that has 3 posts, do you sell or trade on instagram/eBay?

For reference, my ebay user id gem3624.

I’ve been buying and selling online for over 10 years. I’ve been invited to this forum from a person who bought an item from me awhile back but never got around to joining.

I advise you to make a list of the holos you want and what you value them at.

I think for 1500 you are not going to find any of them except machamp haha. The lower priced holos start around the 1800 range.

Good luck on your search!

Other than the Shining Charizard, it will be very tough getting people to let go of their 1st ed base cards for most of these even if you offer quite a bit more value wise in a trade… Have you tried selling them on ebay?