WTB PSA 9 Base 1st Blastoise

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a Blastoise Base 1st PSA 9 for $2750.
Anyone have one for sale or got any leads?


Finally some FRLG love, good luck with the search

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I have a lot of these! PMing you

Updated buy thread with a new card I’m after.

I think there’s one on eBay for like $1,050. Better get on that quick!

I actually picked one up yesterday for the same after-tax price. The one posted for $1050 is still up there surprisingly. Figured it would be gone by now.

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Which card is this! I’m curious

It was a PSA 9 1st Base Set Gyarados. Looks like it already sold though.

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have you settled this yet? currently sending a mint one in PSA