WTB: PSA 9 1st Edition WoTC Holos

Offers are in USD and include shipping/fees. I’m based in ATL. If you would like to negotiate on anything - of course I’m happy to be reasonable where it makes sense. Prices are always changing and there’s always a conversation to be had there. Thanks!

(No weak 9’s. No scratched up or damaged cases.)


  • Vaporeon $350

Team Rocket:

  • Here Comes Team Rocket $40
  • Rocket’s Sneak Attack $40

Gym Heroes:

  • Blaine’s Moltres $350
  • Brock’s Rhydon $100
  • Erika’s Vileplume $70

Neo Destiny:

  • Shining Celebi $600
  • Shining Noctowl $400
  • Shining Steelix $400
  • Shining Tyranitar $1250

Offers are subject to change based on the movement of the market. Currently up to date as of 1/1/24.


Have a PSA 9 1st Ed shining celebi is sell for $650

Thanks for the offer but that is above recent sales. I could negotiate on pricing for that one for sure but I’m not going to be above 550 for now. Let me know if that works for you. Thanks!

Hey sorry for late shout, this is what I’m seeing on Alt.

Sent you a message on Instagram. I’ll send you one here as well.

New Year bump to find the last couple of cards needed.