WTB Crystal Ho-oh PSA 10

Looking to buy a crystal Ho-oh PSA 10. Not looking to spend more than £200 posted to the UK.

Still really need this. One of you must have one :grin: English only please!

theres one on ebay for 200 quid that ships to the us, im sure you could find someone to middleman it for you though

Thanks. Just what I’m
Looking for. Sadly after middleman fee, postage and customs duty I’d be turning a dream card into a financial disaster. Great find though im going to move to the US lol :blush:

I’m sure if its someone on this site they wouldnt mind middlemanning for free, as long as you covered shipping to the EU, of course. It’s free shipping from the seller to the buyer, so you’d only need to pay for shipping to the UK/customs which can be low if you state the value of the item as low, although that might end bad if its insured and gets lost in the mail.
I totally understand though, ill keep my eyes open :blush:

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