Would people be interested in early WotC chat transcripts?

So I was browsing around the web and stumbled an old WotC Pokemon related chat transcripts hosted by WotC employees. I read through it and there was a lot of interesting talk about promos and Base Set 3. A lot of junk info too but some interesting tidbits here and there. After finding the one I did some digging and found 46 transcripts from January 2000 through November 2000.

I was just curious if people would be interested in reading them and how would be the best way to post them to the forum here for ease of use and browsing. Not sure if there is a character limit but I’d assume these would run well over that for some of the longer ones (over 200 Q&A).

Here are a few snippets:

I have only read a couple of them so far but it seems like there could be a lot of good info tucked away in these about the early WotC days. Post your thoughts!

Notes: I was able to dig up a couple more months worth of chat logs but it appears after November 2000 WotC stopped saving the log files or they significantly changed the format and I can’t find any. Both are possible. According to their calendar they had chat sessions planned weekly for a long while but some months there were spotty updates. Dropping off in January 2001 and picking back up again in April 2001. From there it continued spotty until 2002 where I couldn’t find any more sessions planned on the old version of their site. They stopped updating the chat transcript links in the calendar on the same date I was unable to find anymore. Assuming they ceased with the transcripts at that point sadly.


Please share more. It’s good to understand the stories behind some important events.


pastebin might be a good solution to post large amounts of text

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I agree, would love to read some more about this :grin:

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Will be more than happy to paste and/ or share them, just not sure how to best go about it. Pastebin is ok but I’d prefer it to be hosted and archived on this site for search purposes. But up to the bosses.

I would be VERY interested to read these!

Patiently waiting :sleeping:

This is more interesting than Hillary Clinton’s email. PLEASE POST MORE! :open_mouth:


Haha, here’s one to keep you all busy for a few minutes:
Click to expand:

Thurs. March 30, 2000 - Pokémon Online Help Chat Transcript

Pokémon Online Help
Offered every Thursday 2-5 PST in the TCG Forum of the Wizards.Community chat site!
Featuring Master_Trainer from Customer Service

Thurs. March 30, 2000

Hello again gang. You guys hit us with several tough questions last week, so I went to R&D and got the official answers. We were correct on some answers and wrong on some others. But we wanted to give you the latest “official” answers. Here they are:

If a card gives off energy of any type then that card COUNTS as an energy card of that type. This means a buzzaped Electrode that was chosen to give 2-grass energy COUNTS as a Grass Energy Card and can use Venusaur’s PokĂ©mon Power Transfer Energy.

Energy attached to Ditto COUNTS as all-basic energy types at once. So any energy type attached to Ditto could ALSO use Venusaur’s Transfer Energy.

If you have a DCE or a buzzaped Electrode attached to Ditto, then those particular cards would still count as all basic energy types at once but that particular card would give you 2 energy of any type. This means you could use a DCE or the buzzaped Electrode to give you one of two different basic energy types (like 1 grass and 1 psychic). This also means if Ditto is copying, say, a Charmander, you could discard ANY type of energy card from Ditto to pay the Discard COST for the Ember attack.

Clarification on the whole Moltres Wildfire/Confusion thing. When flipping for confusion, you must pay all Attack Costs BEFORE you flip for confusion. This means anything that is written as “IN ORDER TO DO THIS ATTACK,” such as Charizard’s Fire Spin. (Discard 2 Fire Energy card attached to Charizard IN ORDER TO use this attack.) However, anything that does not state IN ORDER TO gets done AFTER the Confusion flip, this means for Moltres’s Wildfire you do NOT discard cards for the effect of the attack until AFTER you see if the attack even occurs.

More clarification for Ditto: His PokĂ©mon Power is continuous–NOT invoked. You do NOT decide what energy attached to him counts as; it simply counts as all basic energy types. When a PokĂ©mon hits the discard pile it reverts back to its normal type BEFORE you count it as a knocked out PokĂ©mon or not. This explains why Mysterious Fossil and Clefairy Doll do NOT count as Knocked Out PokĂ©mon as they revert to Trainer Cards when they hit the Discard Pile. So if you’re Ditto was Transformed into a copy of one of these. It would STILL count as a Knocked Out PokĂ©mon as it would revert back to Ditto when it hits the pile.

AND FINALLY, an announcement of an upcoming Team Rocket card you can get BEFORE Team Rocket comes out! The newest issue of TopDeck Magazine (issue #6) will have a free Dark Charmeleon from the Team Rocket set for you. Should be out soon! On to the questions!

  1. Sorry, missed this one — Ed.]Can you stop your own Aerodactyls PokĂ© Power to evolve your own PokĂ©s?
    No, it’s always on. Unless Aero is paralyzed, confused, or asleep.

  2. If Ditto is transformed does it revert back if the opposing Pokémon is knocked out or benched?
    It turns into whatever the opposing Pokémon is. There is no point where it reverts if it still the active Pokémon (unless it is Paralyzed, Asleep, or Confused).

  3. You said last week that WotC can’t bring in new sets but then you said that BS2 was never in Japan. Explain.
    Base Set 2 is a reprint set NOT a set of new cards, comprendez?

  4. Does anyone here know if there will be a holographic Mew card?
    Yup, out soon in the Pokémon League.

  5. Did you get the answer to my Ditto questions last week?
    Yup, did you see the opening announcements?

  6. When playing an Arcanine with Defender attached. It will reduce Takedown to only 10 damage. Will it also reduce your opponent’s next attack by 20 also?

  7. Will promo Mew #9 be available to ALL leagues on April 1, 2000?
    Should be on or around date, yes.

  8. Will it be possible to get promo Cool Porygon #15 in any other way other than by purchasing the N64 Pokémon Stadium bundle or buying/trading from someone?
    Sorry but no.

  9. Again referring to the “Step In” power of Dragonite. If I want to retreat a PokĂ©mon with a high-energy retreat cost (*** or ****) - I’ll use Dragonite to “Step In” and then retreat Dragonite for only one *. I feel this was valid, but my opponent didn’t?
    That is a valid move.

  10. Will Wizards post a checklist of Team Rocket on their site as soon as they are available for purchase?
    We will as soon as they are available on the marketplace, yes.

  11. What, by your opinion, is the best two type combo for a deck?
    That really is an opinion question and depends on what people are playing in your area. Me personally? I prefer Vanilla and Chocolate.

  12. In the Official rules & regs for the PokĂ©mon TCG League does it state anywhere that you may not battle a person twice in a row & still get the points earned? Can a Gym Leader make such a rule? We’re talking about 6 & 8-year-old boys here.
    Yes it does. It is stated in the rules that the Gym Leaders are being given.

  13. Where can we get more information about the Brock and Misty Challenge, if our league hasn’t heard about it yet? Or when will it begin at ALL the leagues?
    If it is not there yet, it should be there soon.

  14. Referring to Pidgeot and the Hurricane Attack. My opponent used a Pokémon Breeder to evolve a basic Pokémon direct to the 2nd stage evolution (leaving the Breeder card between the two on his bench). Later, he moved the 2nd stage evolved Pokémon to act?
    Sorry but the full question didn’t come through BUT you do NOT leave the Breeder on the bench, it goes to the discard pile.

  15. If Clefairy or Clefable copies Moltres’ Wildfare, does she still have to discard fire cards to use it?
    Yup! The discarding is NOT a cost of the attack but affects the result of the attack.

  16. Can you tell me the rares in the team rocket theme decks?
    I could! But I won’t, sorry.

  17. Do you know what promo #11 will be and/or when it will be out and/or what it will be promoted with?
    Sorry but that card has not been announced yet.

  18. On Magmar’s smokescreen if my opponent switches PokĂ©mon would smokescreen be gone?
    Yes it would (since it is referring to that particular defending Pokémon).

  19. So you do get a prize for knocking out a ditto with a fossil?
    Yes you do.

  20. Will the TR set Booster packs that we can preorder soon be 1st Edition?
    Dunno, keep an eye on the web site. If first edition become available for pre-order it will be mentioned there.

  21. If we can’t earn points in time to get mew will we still get one?
    Nope, you have to earn 250 points during the next season to get a foil Mew.

  22. Is a Pokémon benched if I pay the retreat cost
slide it down to my bench
and slide up the same Pokémon, would that rid it of poison?
    You can’t do that. Retreating means you SWAP the active PokĂ©mon with a Benched one.

  23. When will GYM series be coming out?
    Later this summer and the second one later this year.

  24. How do we get the holofoil mew and we earn them or are they given out or are it up the gym leader?
    Earn them at the Pokémon League, you can earn two of them maximum. One at 250, and 1 at 500 points.

  25. Is there any way I could obtain the tutorial CD included with the 2-player starter set without buying the starter set?
    Nope, sorry.

  26. Can you use energy removal on Electrodes buzzap?
    Yes you could.

  27. What are the extra cards in Team Rocket that aren’t in JP?
    Hmmm, can’t tell ya, sorry.

  28. My ditto has 6 damage counters on it and my opponent has an Electabuzz I just knocked out, since he has no active after I knocked out Electabuzz and he has like Likitung on his bench in-between would Ditto be KO’d?
    There is no in-between step gang. When Lickitung moves up Ditto copies it.

  29. What’s a Brook and Misty’s challenge?
    Those are extra events you can do at your Pokémon League top earn special shiny stickers. Only after you have earned your badge and TM sticker for that season though.

  30. If I use 4 different types of Mewtwo’s in a deck can I use more than 4?
    Nope, you can only have 4 max copies of a same named car, regardless of what version it is.

  31. My Pokémon Trading Card League Location allows trainers to battle a trainer up to three times. Is that legal?
    Nope, you are supposed to play a different Trainer after each match.

  32. How can I get a copy of the rules that the gym leaders are given so we don’t have any more surprises?
    Those are only available for the League Gym leaders. If you think that something is run awry, give us a call at Customer Service (1-800-324-6496).

  33. Why did WotC give Mew Devolution beam if the other trainer can just re-evolve next turn?
    You could use it on one of your own Pokémon in order to use earlier evolution abilities if you needed them.

  34. If I have 2 Dodrios on my bench and have an active Electabuzz, can I retreat him for free?

  35. Can you give us a list of all the promo cards?

  36. Pikachu

  37. Electrabuzz-Pokémon the first movie promo-

  38. Mewtwo-Pokémon the first movie promo-

  39. Pikachu-Pokémon the first movie promo-

  40. Dragonite-Pokémon the first movie promo-

  41. Arcanine-Pokémon league promo-

  42. Jigglypuff-Atlantic records Pokémon soundtrack-

  43. Mew-Pokémon league promo-

  44. Holographic mew-

  45. Meowth-Nintendo TCG game boy cartridge insert-

  46. ---------- unreleased---------

  47. Mewtwo-Nintendo Power

  48. Foil Veusaur-ETCG Game Guide

  49. Mewtwo-Pokémon the first movie video cassette-

  50. Cool Porygon-Nintendo n64 bundle insert-

  51. How long does poisoning last?
    Until the Pokémon is benched, evolved, or knocked out.

  52. When will the neo be coming out?

  53. Will foil-mew be out this coming Saturday and I do I have to earn those 250 points in that one session?
    Should be, you don’t have to earn the points in one session though.

  54. Will there be any more Pokémon League promo cards besides holofoil mew, this season?

  55. Why are there no Pokémon that are resistant to fire, water, or grass damage?
    Cuz fire hurts, water makes you all squinchy, and grass tickles your nose.

  56. Why did you change Porygon’s name to Cool Porygon for the foil promo doesn’t really make sense?
    Umm. cuz its cool? You could use it with the base set Porygon as well (different name).

  57. Is there another ‘PokĂ©mon Trainer Showdown Battle’ planned for this summer?
    There is something similar being worked on, watch our web site for details.

  58. What are the holofoils (if any) in the Base II Theme Decks?
    Hot Water has Poliwrath, Psych Out has Wigglytuff, Grass Chopper has Clefairy, and Lightning Bug has Chansey

  59. If an attack says something like 20 damage, and flip a coin. If heads this attack does an additional 20 damage. Is that extra 20 damage added to the base damage or is it added after applying weakness and resistance?
    It’s added to the base damage BEFORE Weakness or Resistance is figured.

  60. If I KO my opponents last Pokémon but they still have Clefairy Dolls or Mysterious Fossil on the bench, do I automatically win or do I have to KO them first?
    You win if you take you or last Prize Card, otherwise the game continues.

  61. If I use Porygon to change an opponent’s weakness to the same thing as its resistance, which do I count first when attacking?
    You calculate Weakness first.

  62. Are Japanese cards playable at the league?
    Only if they are copies of cards already available in English AND you have at least one copy of the English card available for translating.

  63. Do you get anything special if you beat a Gym Leader at a Pokémon League session?
    A sense of accomplishment.

  64. Can you use 4 Vileplume and 4 of the “dark” team rocket Vileplume in the same deck?

  65. If Ditto copies a 100HP Pokémon, gets 50HP Damage, the opponent then retreats the 100HP monster and replaces it with a 30HP Pokémon. Does Ditto die when the 30HP Pokémon goes active?

  66. I was at a WotC store and they were putting up Team Rocket posters. They also had jumbo cards of Dark Charizard and here come the Rockets. The here come the rockets was a black star. Is it going to be just rare or ultra rare?
    It should be just a regular rare (we don’t do super rares).

  67. If you have 4 Charizards and 4 evil Charizards could you play all of them?

  68. Could you tell me if Evil/Bad Blastoise’s hydro pump does an extra 10 or 20 with each extra energy?
    Nope, can’t be specific about unreleased cards.

  69. Since Double Colorless energy doesn’t count as a basic energy, you can only use 4 of them in a deck, right?

  70. Will there be a PokĂ©mon tour this summer, similar to last years or this year’s current PokĂ©mon Stadium 2000?
    Yup, watch for details on the web site.

  71. I registered with DCI at session 1 and haven’t seen my number on the DCI rankings (number is not valid) or some thing. Should I reregister we have a new gym leader I don’t know if the old gym leader sent them in?
    Yes you should reregister (but put your old DCI number on the form).

  72. What does the book the Venusaur Promo come in look like, Is it green?
    Dunno, it’s not out yet.

  73. How can I tell where tournaments are being held?
    Check on our web site at events.wizards.com/dcitournament/Default.asp?game=PK .

  74. When is Team rocket coming out? Like the exact day?
    April 24th is the street date.

  75. Were there any world tournaments for Pokémon last year or was there something like that?
    There was the Tropical Mega Battle in Hawaii.

  76. If Mr. Mime is confused and try’s to attack it fails dose Mr. Mime kill it self?
    Yes it would.

  77. I got my DCI card at a Trainer showdown battle; I use that card for Pokémon League. Why are my stats not up on the webpage?
    The sign up form must not have been submitted. I would reregister using your old number at a League location.

  78. Do all questions have to be about the card game?
    Basically yes, that is what we are here for.

  79. Can you use Team Rocket, Gym 1 & Gym 2 Japanese cards in a deck?
    Not in our league, no.

  80. Do you hate answering all these questions?
    ‘Course not!

  81. With the Dark PokĂ©mon, will it matter if the card it evolves from is Dark or not? That is: I have a Dark Charizard in my hand. Does it matter if I play this Stage 2 card on a Dark Charmeleon or a “Normal” Charmeleon? Or can it evolve from either?
    Sorry those kinds of questions won’t be answered until Team Rocket is actually released and legal for League play.

  82. So you can only get it through the Nintendo Power Subscription deal?
    Dunno, I would contact Nintendo about that (1-800-422-2602).

  83. Has Wizards started translating Gym cards yet?

  84. When Team Rocket is released, will it be $3.29? And will a holo card be in all packs?
    Same price as before, same odds for holos (1 in 33 cards approximately).

  85. Will there be Southern Island promo’s like in Japan?

  86. What was that like? Did it have tournaments or was it just a show? And who won?
    We have several articles about it on our web site just search for Tropical mega Battle on our web site.

  87. Is there a release DATE (not release month) for the Team Rocket expansion yet?
    Street Date is April 24th.

  88. I have heard rumors of a Pre-Release Dark Arbok for at the league. Is this true?
    Dunno, I haven’t mentioned one.

  89. In regard to the answer in question 78, wouldn’t that mean the holo-rares in theme decks are more abundant?
    Not necessarily, just easier to get.

  90. How do you join the league? I’ve looked on the website?
    Go to the closest league locations (such as Toys R Us) and sign up there. We have a list of all locations on our web site.

  91. Does WotC sell individual cards?

  92. Regarding the gym sets, will those also be sold in booster packs or only in the “deck” format like in Japan?

  93. When will you know what the Pokémon Movie 2K promos are?
    Wouldn’t you like to know?

  94. I know Gym is still a while away, but will you do the holo/non holo versions? And how will you work the cards that were only available in theme decks in Japan?
    Sorry guys, for the most part I don’t honestly know yet. Also we don’t reveal that sort of thing this early.

  95. In regards to ditto, if I have a Venusaur in play, I can energy trans a “grass” energy off of it onto another PokĂ©mon right? But afterwards I can’t move it if it’s not grass energy?

  96. When Mew uses it’s Devolution Beam attack on an opponent’s PokĂ©mon, when can that PokĂ©mon re-evlove?
    On that player’s next turn.

  97. Why do you have nonholo/holo versions of cards?
    Player/collectors complained that they wanted to use certain cards in their deck but didn’t want to wear out their valuable foil cards, so we made foil versions to put in your book a non-foil versions to play with.

  98. Will you release a Checklist for the Team Rocket set anytime soon before the set?
    Probably not until the set is actually released.

  99. In Regards to Ditto, If ditto does sword dance, then Scyther retreated. Then it gets gusted in; does it slash for 60?
    No, since Ditto would have changed into whatever Scyther had swapped with. When it turned back into Scyther, it is a NEW copy and loses the old attack effects.

  100. Will you ever consider having non-holo versions of the hologram cards in the base set(s)?
    There are no plans for such a thing, no.

  101. Do you know the odds of getting Charizard in BS2?
    There are 20 foil rares in set; you have a 1 in 3 chance of a foil in a booster pack, so the odds of getting a Charizartd are approximately 1 in 60.

  102. I was looking at pictures of the theme decks for Team Rocket on the Wizards web site, and if my eyes are good I saw the icons for the types. SO is it true that one is Psychic/Grass and one is Grass/Water?
    Sorry, dunno and can’t talk about it.

  103. Do you have an approximate on when this summer the Pokémon Trainer Showdown Battle-type thing is gonna happen?
    They haven’t locked it down yet.

  104. When is rocket coming out?
    April 24th.

  105. What is the email address for wizards?
    custserv@wizards.com reaches us.

  106. Do you know when the Gym sets will be released (ballpark date)?
    1st set late this summer, 2nd set 4th quarter some time.

  107. Why did you make the name of the Porygon promo in the PokĂ©mon Stadium bundle “Cool Porygon”?
    So you could play 4 of them AND 4 base set Porygons in the same deck if you wanted to.

  108. Will WotC ever do like Japan and let kids send in Pokés and then make a card of it and send it back?
    There are no such plans that I know of.

  109. The card game isn’t really related to the game boy game, is it? TCG makes fire PokĂ©mon with high hp, but in the game Boy game they’re actually sort-of weak

    It is based on it but not exactly the same.

  110. What is a Pokémon Showdown Battle thing?
    There are plans for a PokĂ©mon Premier event sometime this summer likes last year’s Tropical Mega Battle. No details yet though.

  111. Is TopDeck Magazine the same thing as Duelist?
    It took the place of Duelist.

  112. Is the trainer showdown going to be just for young players or will older (16 +) be able to play?
    No details yet gang, sorry.

  113. How come you guys didn’t wait to put Rocket in the TCG GB?
    What do you mean? Nintendo makes the Game Boy game, not us; you’d have to ask them.

  114. Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos all have no weakness
 is that because they’re “legendary”? Does the same thing go for Dratini-Dragonair-Dragonite?
    Good question, but I dunno. We basically make the translations and rulings; we are not in charge of Pokémon lore, sorry.

  115. Do you see any more price hikes on ANY WOTC booster packs (like from $2.99 to $3.29)?
    Sure, sometime in the next 100 years anyway. No immediate plans. No.

  116. My brother says only 1 Aerodactyl could be in play at a time
couldn’t as many as 8 (4 on each side) be in play with a Muk somewhere?

  117. Are there any plans on putting more cards in each pack?

  118. Do know if there will be any more prereleases like Clefable and Aerodactyl?
    I’m pretty sure there will be more of those. Though I don’t know what’s next.

  119. Is there really a 3-month pattern on the release of sets?
    Not necessarily, though we have found with our experience with Magic that a new set about every 3 months works well.

  120. Do you plan on releasing a base set 3 eventually?
    No plans to yet.

  121. If we’re out of questions already, and it’s only been an hour, perhaps that’s the reason why the Chats are being shortened in the next few weeks?
    Hmmm, perhaps. Plus we’d have more time to play Magic and eat donuts. :blush:

  122. Why can you only get 1 league Arcanine? I want more.
    How 'bout trading for another. We could call this a Trading Card Game!

  123. Referring back to question #128 will they ever make a DBZ trading card game?
    Sorry, I just don’t know. Let’s stick to PokĂ©mon questions though.

  124. Was the League Promo Pikachu in Jungle Boosters intentional or an accident? (I mean, why else were there ed. 1 League Pikas?
    It was an accident. That’s why that one is so difficult to find.

  125. Why do you all skip promos why not just do them in order? Like it took you all forever to get #6 out?
    We plan to have them come out in order, but in many cases the release dates for movies or videos get pushed back. So the cards appear out of order. We can’t really control that.

  126. Regarding the rarity of foils in theme decks, you said they would be easier to obtain; but wouldn’t that coincide with the statement you mentioned that “all hologram cards are of equal rarity”?
    All holos are the same rarity. If one appears in a Theme deck it’s easier to find because you can just buy that Theme deck.

  127. Will there keep being promos in Topdeck?
    Top Deck is our flagship magazine, so yes, I imagine they will continue to offer special cards inside.

  128. Why did you guys only make the “Starter CD Rom” Only for Windows? Macs get no respect.
    We’re working on a Mac version as well. Later this year I hope.

  129. Is there gonna be an American Pokémon Jet?
    I don’t know, I think that’s United’s department.

  130. Is it true that the Stadium Bundle Pack Porygon will be redistributed somewhere else?
    Not true at all.

  131. Will there ever be an American Happy birthday Pikachu?
    I haven’t heard any plans for that one, sorry.

  132. With Prerelease cards, isn’t it always the first card in the set (which means it’ll be Bad Arbok in TR, Aero in Fossil, and Clefable in Jungle)?
    No it’s not. Two pre-releases card hardly counts as always.

  133. Is there any particular reason why there were like 4 different versions of Pikachu released but only one version of say Squirtle released so far?
    Pikachu just so happens to be superhypermega popular. So there has been a lot of promo Pikachus.

  134. Who does the translations?
    Sorry, we don’t know.

  135. Were any cities in Texas selected for the Prerelease Clefable?
    I don’t keep track of which cities the Pre-release Clefable was released in.

  136. Are there holos in every pack of basic set 2 booster packs?
    No, the distribution of the holos is similar to Base Set 1.

  137. The card you added to TR–does it have a rarity like rare, uncommon common?

  138. So are holo-rares of equal rarity in terms of finding them in a booster pack or in the sense that they were all printed the same number of times?
    They’re printed in the same numbers.

  139. When this chat is done, when do you expect to have an archive of this session on your site?
    It takes about two weeks to get them up on the site.

  140. For everybody that asks the release date for TR just tell them different dates and cause mass confusion worse than Hypno’s!

  141. Do you have any idea what promo 11 will be? You don’t have to tell me, but do YOU know what it is?
    Umm. MT Pat paces nervously. Yes, I know. Doh!, now I’ve done it! No donuts for me tomorrow!

  142. Alot of people tell me that when they use Buzzap on Electrode, I don’t get a prize. DO I get a prize or not?
    You don’t get to take a prize when your opponent uses the ‘Buzzap’ power of Electrode. You do draw a prize if your opponent uses the Buzzap power of Electrode.

  143. Are there any plans on making an Online Pokémon TCG game software?
    No plans yet.

  144. Regarding Pokémon 152-251, when Pokémon gold/silver is released to the US, do you plan on releasing cards pertaining to those Pokémon? (Like in Japan)
    That’s too far ahead for us to know about (though I’ve already managed to get a holo Lugia)

  145. How will the holo mew promo be obtained?
    You can earn the foil Mew at the Pokémon Leagues. You can get one at 250 and 500 points.

  146. Are there any plans for promos with the TR series?
    Uh huh.

  147. I read in a magazine that there are going to be some “PokĂ©mon Cruises” where you can pay to spend 7 days or so on an ocean liner where DCI-sanctioned tournaments will be held, etc. Is there any information on this? If not, thanks anyway.
    NO, though you can be sure I’ll look into it.

  148. Are there plans to release vending cards in the US? If yes how will they be distributed (promos, a new set, or as vending)?
    Sorry, though I’ve seen some of the Japanese Vending Cards, I haven’t heard whether or not we’ll be doing them here in the US.

  149. How are pre-releases done?
    Pre-release cards?

  150. Including the “Secret Card”, how many cards are there in the Team Rocket set? Cause I’m confused if it’s either 82 or 83.
    I’m going to leave this for you to find out on your own, 'cause I think it’s more fun that way.

  151. When will holo Mew be released?
    At the Pokémon leagues next month.

  152. Is it true that Team Rocket is an 82-card set? With 3 energies, 9 trainers and the rest Pokémon?
    The more questions I answer like this the fewer donuts I get. So I’m gonna zip my donut hole (so to speak)

  153. Why do you make holos “one every three packs” instead of “one every pack” like the Japanese?
    We have a lot of experience handling trading card games in the US. This is one of the ways in which we’ve decided to do things differently.

  154. Will holo mew be released April 1 exactly?
    No, you will get the holo Mew as you earn the points necessary in the Pokémon Leagues.

  155. Can you change a double colorless energy card to any type you wish For example change it to two fire energies.
    No, double colorless provides just what it says: two colorless energy.

  156. What number is the promo Venasaur and how do you get it?
    Number 13. You can get it in the Electronic Trading Card Game Guide by Nintendo.

  157. Please tell us what Promo #11 is. Just because they are Promo Cards doesn’t mean they are surprise cards.
    That’s funny. Zippped.

  158. WHY do you not get to take a prize when your opponent uses an electrode’s “buzzap”? [In regards to question 164]
    Cause I was wrong. Ok. -MT Pat says meekly.

  159. When will the new badge set for gold and silver be available at the league I want to know because I am a Gym Leader at my Toys R Us?
    Hold yer horses pardner, we’re not even done with the first eight yet. Yowza!

  160. So if I’ve already gotten my first badge, do I get 2 mew automatically?
    Nope, you’ll have to start earning the points for the Holo Mew when it becomes available. You can’t save up your points prior to the Mew release date.

  161. How does Blastoise’s PokĂ©mon Power work? Is it just one extra water energy per turn to one PokĂ©mon, or as many water energies from your hand as you want on one PokĂ©mon per turn? Or is it something else all together?
    As many water energy as you want from your hand per turn.

  162. In regards to the Buzzap question. Why is that? It says to “KO Electrode
” on the text. It states in the rulebook that if a PokĂ©mon is KO, they get a prize. And since the Electrode’s power is to knock it out. They should get a prize. Am I right?
    Yes, .

  163. When will Gym2 be realized? Can you give an approximate date?
    Not yet, though I can give an estimated date.

  164. Can you change double colorless to any type of energy card?
    Only double colorless.

  165. How come you don’t put promo cards in packs of cards? (Besides the fact that they are called promotional cards)
    You answered your own question. Though I should say we have accidentally put promo cards in packs before. Everybody remember Jungle.

  166. Yes. How are pre-release cards done?
    They’re sent to the North Pole where little gnomes stamp them with that little pre-release stamp. That’s what they tell me anyway.

  167. Whats the “secret card” in team rocket?
    The secret card will remain secret until someone bribes us with a dump truck full of donuts.

  168. Are there any plans for the GYM SERIES cards to be released in the U.S.? If so when?
    Yes, sometime this fall.

  169. Will Meowth promo come with Pokémon the TCG for GB?
    Yes, you’ll be able to tell for sure because the Meowth has a small GB logo in the lower right corner of the picture.

  170. Why does my gym leader denies anything about a holo-mew. Has she not been informed of it, or has she been told to keep quiet?
    It could be either one. Though I would hope it’s just that she want to keep a secret.

  171. Are there any plans to ban some cards?

  172. When will the Gold/Silver Gym Leader Badges be available? I need to know because I am a Gym Leader.
    That’s fishy. If you’re a Gym Leader you would know that you wouldn’t get them until they become available.

  173. Is there anyway to get the promo card in the n64 bundle pack other than buying it?
    You can TRADE for it.

  174. What’s promo number 11, if u answer I’ll give u a donut!
    I stand to lose a lot more donuts than that if I tell you what it is. Sorry.

  175. Ok I am a gym Leader and is there any way to become an Elite Four Leader? Or is there such a Leader for the League?
    Not that I’ve heard of.

  176. Will WotC release the neo card set?

  177. When’s the estimated date for the release of GYM2?
    Fall of 2000.

  178. Since Double Colorless Energy is not counted as a basic energy card . . . can you put down more than one double colorless as well as one energy card per turn?
    No, it will count as your energy placement for that turn.

  179. I sent in the money for the Jigglypuff promo later than February first like 1 week ago can I still receive it?
    That’s actually in the hands of Atlantic Records. You’ll have to check with them.

  180. If I have a Ditto with a dce on it and I also have a Venusaur can I energy trans the dce?
    Yes. Because of Ditto’s power, the DCE can be any type of energy. So you can Energy Trans it.

    There’s four out in English so far; I’m not sure how many more we’ll be releasing.

  182. Do you know if there are going to be contests for the new sets, like the deck building contests before?
    Yes, there will be. The best place to get information about those is in TopDeck magazine or on our website in the Pokémon section.

  183. In regards to an earlier question. Why wouldn’t Aerodactyl’s PokĂ©mon power stop other Fossils from evolving into Aerodactyls?
    I don’t know where you got that idea. Aerodactyl would stop other M.Fossils from evolving into Aerodactyls.

  184. Why did you take the Eevee family out of base2 and leave in the Bellsprout family?
    Those reasons must remain secret for the time being.

    April 24th 2000, 10:32 am. Joe’s Comics will get them first. (Just kidding about the Joe’s Comics part.)

  186. How do you get a subscription to “TopDeck”?
    You can call 1-800-395-7760 to order a subscription with a credit card, or you can fill out one of those postcards that come inside TopDeck.

  187. Why are you obsessed with donuts? What is your favorite kind?
    I’m not really obsessed with them, I just pretend to be for the purposes of this chat
BTW I like glazed old fashioned.

  188. Will Team Rocket packs have Holo and Non-Holo versions of the same card?

  189. Speaking of the Dark Charmeleon in Topdeck, will it have that fancy “W” foilstamp on it?
    No it won’t. It will be just like the Team Rocket card that’s released in boosters.

  190. Team Rockets Big Sister is a very powerfull game card. Is it possibly going to be banned if proved to be too disruptive or is banning in Pokémon not even a consideration?
    Don’t know about what card is coming in TR yet, no plans on any banning though.

  191. How do you think the team rocket expansion will affect the TCG?
    Too soon to tell, wait until its out.

  192. How and when can I get the holographic Mew?
    Pokémon League starting soon, you have to earn 250 points to get it.

  193. What do you think of the thefts going on in many TCG tournaments, is Wizards taking steps to make TCG events a little safer for your cards?
    Of course we aren’t happy about that. We warn everyone to NEVER walk away from your stuff. You would never leave your wallet lying around, you should think the same way with your PokĂ©mon cards.

  194. Will Wizards host any trainer showdowns in Houston, TX that does not have an age limit on it?
    Dunno. We have not announced any trainer showdowns yet.

  195. Can you lower the prices on packs because I’m too poor to buy stuff?
    Hmmm, then we would not make ANY money, go out of business, and then there wouldn’t be anymore cards.

  196. Is it true that there will be four all-new promo cards for Pokémon the movie 2000?
    So I’ve heard.

  197. What do you think of the ANTI-Pokémon movement?
    About the same that I think of the thing 1 Party.

  198. Super Energy Removal is a very disruptive card that can give certain Pokémon (1 energy attack) an advantage. I know there are no plans on banning, but will it even be considered?
    I would say that the Professor Oak is even more broken than that card (especially in a Rain Dance deck).

  199. Why are the promo cards so secretive? We are going to find out anyway.
    Because they may change before they are released. We would rather give you the correct answer, even if it is late, than a wrong one.

  200. When is Holo Mew going to be released? And I know you know about the #11 promo, so when will it be released?
    Foil Mew is in the league (Ive answered this 14 times today already). No information on #11, period.

  201. What is the reason WotC makes like four version of the same pokémon card other than to make more money?
    Would you rather only have 150 cards to build you deck from? Funny thing, people say they want more cards but there aren’t ANY MORE PokĂ©mon YET!

  202. Are you as knowledgeable about Pokémon as you seem or do have people helping you in the background?
    To be honest, I know about 90% of the questions and get help for the others.

  203. Will kids WB play the banned episodes?
    Dunno, you’d have to ask them (though I doubt it).

  204. I’m sure this one’s already been beaten to death today, but I just arrived here. When is Holo-Mew going to be released at PokĂ©mon League? This weekend?
    Should be soon. Definitely this season and I’ve been told April 1st. You have to earn 250 points to get it (and yes, its been beaten near to death).

  205. Why did you make a foil mew?
    Many people asked for one.

  206. You told me you knew the #11 promo, and I even offered you some donuts for info.
    There are not enough donuts in the world to make me lose my job, sorry.

  207. When will the Pokémon league end?
    This summer though there are already plans for another one after that.

  208. What is the hardest promo to get?
    In English? Probably the E3 Pikachu. In Japanese, I’ve heard the Happy Birthday Pikachu is a tough one to get.

  209. When will Pokémon green be released in America?
    Dunno, you’d have to ask Nintendo that one.

  210. How does the convention 1 of Porygon work? Does retreating take away the affect?
    Yes it does. Or evolving the affected Pokémon also removes the conversion effect.

  211. What are the moves for the ancient mew?
    Again, that is a Japanese card and I have no info on it.

  212. For the holo-Mew, do you have to earn 250 points after they release it or do you just have to be at an even multiple of 250? For example, as of today I am at 240 pts toward Cascade badge; do I just need 10 more?
    You have to earn another 250 after it is released.

  213. Could Wizards make a link for advanced “frequently asked questions” like for Ditto and Clefable etc?
    Actually we have FAQ’s on those cards up on our site already.

  214. What number promo do you think you will stop making at?
    Dunno, there are plans for more in the future already.

  215. Could you make your own cards, not previously released in Japan?
    Its possible but unlikely that we would.

  216. What do you mean by earn it?
    You have to earn 250 points in the League to get a Foil Mew.

  217. How are they going to keep track of the “points towards Mew”; is there going to be a separate League book for that?
    Nope, there should be a separate sheet for keeping trading.

  218. What should you do when you’ve realized you’ve bought fake cards? Contact police? Wizards?
    First ask the merchant for a refund and explain that selling counterfeits is illegal. If they don’t help you should contact the Police, Better Business Bureau, and could also contact us with the name and address of the store and we will pass it on to Nintendo for investigation.

  219. What are foil mew’s attacks?
    The same as the non-foil Mew.

  220. Do you know if there’s any time limit for earning the 250 points (i.e. eight weeks only)?
    Yes, you have the 6 weeks of the correct season to earn the 250 points.

  221. Just saying “thank you” and good night!


"114. Why can you only get 1 league Arcanine? I want more.

How 'bout trading for another. We could call this a Trading Card Game!"

:laughing: I love how blunt this guy is.

Not sure if this is where you found them, but there are more on the old WOTC website.

Nice find brother. Fun read:)

I’d remove that link. Having the info directly on this site could help attract new members:)

1 Like

Yeah, that’s where a bunch of them are, up to September. There’s a handful more after they stopped updating that page.

My thoughts exactly, that’s why I didn’t just dump them in a dropbox link :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Done. Now you have to remove the link from your quote. :stuck_out_tongue:

Done lol.