What trend do you see making a return in 20-30 year?

Tamagotchi X100

Lol kids mostly just f**k around on their phones all day now… and social media…

All toys r us are closing down…

And paper collectables are not really being produced anymore.

So… just invest in mobile applications and games which kids can reminisce over in 30 years.

In all seriousness Barbie dolls may be something to look at, they’ve been around for a long time, and some have exclusive releases.

Well Barbie is already way bigger in the collectable world than Pokemon… We even have a permanent Barbie Expo/Museum here in Montreal.
I just have my doubts how relevant the Barbie brand will be 30 years from now, so I’m not sure I would bet on any of the newer product.

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I’m scared. It’s only been a few days since I made that post and Warner Bros just announced an ALF reboot. He’s watching this forum guys.

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Everything on this list


It’s so hard to say. Collectively speaking, collector awareness is much more prevalent than it was a few decades ago. For example, popular shows like Antiques Roadshow, American pickers, and Pawn Stars have hugely impacted how people view the “junk” they have lying around, nearly to the point where people reflexively assume they’re stuff is valuable, even if it ain’t.

All that said, I’d bet my money on sealed games.

And Alf.

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Jnco Jeans

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You know I wonder about this every other day, its Nintendo so obviously there’s gonna be a market for it, might not be a terrible idea to buy up some of the rarest ones while they’re relatively cheap, don’t bother with the more common ones though as there are so many.

I can see the Wii U becoming a sought after collectors item. It is a neat and fun console that sold very poorly due to the name and marketing. It had a 5 year life cycle, but the Switched eclipsed it in 10 months - even with low availability during that time.

Keeping some sealed games, systems and controllers might not be a bad investment…

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Pokemon Beanie Baby’s


I feel like the fact that virtually every worthwhile game is being ported to the Switch may detract from it.

But the Zelda themed controller is a thing of beauty, and they made some pretty sweet Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart, Smash and Wind Waker Limited Editions that are actually limited in availability, so they’d probably be a safe bet as sealed products.

On Nintendo consoles also I’d like to mention the Panasonic Q; the weird Gamecube console/DVD hybrid, that’ll be one to watch!

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Original Xbox and PlayStations. And then PS2’s and 360’s. And I mean more than they are right meow. And I believe their values will increase at a substantially higher rate than that of older counsels (NES, SNES, N64, etc.).

Ever played Halo 1 LAN multiplayer There is nothing like it and you cannot simulate it on an Xbox One in the Anniversary edition no matter how hard they try, trust me. And there is something about having only wired controllers that makes my trigger finger tingle. Think of it like as like digital vs analog sound - most of the biggest music buffs want that direct, original sound for various reasons. Or like when they come out with the throwback Mountain Dew every year (with REAL sugar). There is just something about it that is better. And Tony Hawk on an original PlayStation controller? That makes other things of mine tingle… :stuck_out_tongue:

The time for original XBOX and PS1 to be sought after is NOW and its just not happening. PS1 has some obscure JRPGS etc, and xbox has a FEW titles, but I don’t see anything besides those already sought after games becoming much more expensive. 360s are literally on every corner and don’t even start with PS2s. Certain games may make a splash in the market as always like JRPGS, Atlus titles and things like Rule of Rose, but there are too many consoles in the market to see a sharp increase.

Almost 158 MILLION PS2s were sold
86 MILLION 360s

To put that into comparison…
62 MIllion SNES
49 Million NES

Original Xbox is missing something. I played halo 1 and 2 competitively with MLG for a few years and it STILL doesn’t grab me enough to fire mine up and play on xlink or whatever they have now for original xbox live, and I absolultly loved it, it was a large part of my teenage years.

I can almost guarantee without a doubt that Xbox, PS1, PS2 and 360 will never increase over NES/SNES/N64/GC/Dreamcast.


So did i :grin: (top 8 ffa and 4v4 orlando 2005 baby ! halo.esportspedia.com/MLG_Orlando_2005 ) lmao :grin: … my friends and I that played are almost in our 30’s, and we still will LAN H1 a few times a year for like 12 hours straight heheh ; P (pushes up glasses)

Think of my statement more as a bold prediction than an educated guess. Just something I could see happening ; p.

And I guess i did not necessarily mean that xbox, ps1 etc would be more valuable than earlier consoles - I just stated that the rate at which their values increased would be much, much quicker. It seems that is the case with a lot of collectibles these days, with all of the information that is readily available on the internet.