Vertemes Loves Pokemon (formerly e4 blog)

Man, relax for a bit trying to push us to your stuff. It comes off as disingenuous, in my opinion.

Enjoy this amazing forum, build relationships with these wonderful people, it will all work itself out.


In B4 ban

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Stop making new threads spamming your website. E4 and any website is not a platform to freely advertise. We have been patient since you are younger and perhaps haven’t read or understand the rules. But any further threads will be locked and removed.


Just to be clear when I sent you the message below, what I meant was if you want to publish blog articles on this site, feel free to do so. Not to just redirect traffic to another page.

If you’re looking to just create blog-style posts for fun, feel free to start a new thread on here to host that content.

It took over a decade and the effort of hundreds of people to build this site up into a place that can sustain itself off of organic traffic. You can’t just shortcut that by taking advantage of the audience here. Reread what @redsticktcg said because it’s really good advice