Spinch's Collection Update: PSA 10 1st Ed Squirtle/Blastoise

I really admire the one pack a week nostalgia trip you’re taking. Must feel great looking forward to the pack opening every week! Nice job and awesome collection.

Side note: Whatever you do keep your cards out of direct sunlight.


I agree, great idea to make it once a week, something to look forward to :blush:

Maybe I’ll try something out like that in the future!

For now, I don’t think I could contain myself to 1 pack a week, even for an expensive wotc set, because it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to open a dud, I like to go out on a high :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha it isn’t easy… especially since I’ve pulled 4 trainers and have to wait a week until the next one!

Don’t worry I’ve invested in a safe now. Long live my cards!

It does make it more rewarding than doing it all in one go (as I would end up getting another box soon after lol).


I’ve been building a little collection of ungraded cards to send off to PSA (never sent cards off to grading before). I think maybe by the end of next year I will have around 50-100 to send off. Opening all of the rares from the booster boxes helps too. Anyway these are two cards that I got. When I got them I paid just under PSA 9 price for the Raichu and and under PSA 8 price for the ninetales. I got the 3 legendary birds for $8usd too so that wasn’t too bad a purchase either.


I got these next 3 from a seller I’ve bought cards off of for over a year now. He said that he thought they had a good chance of getting a 10. Can’t argue with that after seeing them in the flesh!


Andddd my favorite Pokemon, Mewtwo, with some big green creature. Would love to get a Mewtwo in a 10 one day but stoked to have this one. If I do ever get a 10 I think I’ll start a Mewtwo collection with the different artworks (shining Mewtwo would be next on the list).


Really cool collection thread, spent the last 5 mins browsing through,

Love the idea of the 1 a week booster and the PSA 9 Base 1st Holofoils have me pretty jealous! :grin:


What I mean to say is I’m very happy for you :blush:


Your base set holos are gorgeous! Very nice collection!

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@gradedgroudon thanks man the 9s have definitely been a bit more expensive than I thought when I started all of this. However, I do look at the 10s and think if I was only a few years earlier… but you can only go with what you’ve got at the time soI’m pretty happy with them. I guess whatever you can get your hands on now someone will look at them in a few years and think the same thing. Opening the one packet a week has honestly been one of the most satisfying parts of the hobby for me. The good thing is that the box lasts me 9 months and I have something to look forward to every weekend!

@pkmnflyingmaster mate we are in the same boat now. Only one holo to go! I have a feeling we’ll get it around the same time and life will be swell haha Are you only collecting a thick stamp set? I seem to have a mixture of both… at this point I aint being picky that’s for sure.

@rethe Cheers mate, appreciate it :blush:

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@spinch said:
@pkmnflyingmaster mate we are in the same boat now. Only one holo to go! I have a feeling we’ll get it around the same time and life will be swell haha Are you only collecting a thick stamp set? I seem to have a mixture of both… at this point I aint being picky that’s for sure.
1 more! We actually had a very similar journey, I even started out with the 8’s too. I definitely prefer the thick stamps but I have a fair mix of both. Maybe I’ll slowly accumulate a full thick set. My charizard is thin… it’ll be a bit annoying to try to replace that one.

Either way, having a complete set is an impressive feat, regardless of thick or thin!

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I was going to wait another 10 weeks before I show my next 10 pulls but I had to share this. It is Saturday morning, which means I pull another one of my gym challenge boosters. After last week getting pretty much my favourite card ever I am pretty content with anything I get for the rest of the box. Low and behold this is what I get haha. Gonna be a good week I feel :blush:

@pkmnflyingmaster yeh I think so too. I have about 9 of the 8s and it just took one card in the 9s for me to change what I was going to do. I prefer the thick stamps but with the way the market is going anything is good enough at this stage. And yeh my charizard is thin too… oh well. There’s a gyarados on eBay atm so I might just have to bid way way over so I can finally sleep at night :wink: I’m hoping you get your Chansey (EDIT: Mewtwo) soon!!


Awesome collection, so jealous!!

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Nice pulling the Gengar already! Are you planning on getting it graded?

I actually got the Chansey in the last pwcc auction. Just need the mewtwo (hence my salt about your mewtwo on the last page and my avatar / signature haha :blush: )

Yeh gonna get both gengars graded. Over the next year I’m trying to build up enough cards for a PSA submission but that’s a little while away yet.

Oh my bad I meant Mewtwo not Chansey. Nice work I got the clefairy in the last pwcc auction. As I said we will get there…soon I hope!

Neat Collection! Congrats on your PSA 9 Mewtwo and Ninetales. Those r two cards I been looking for lately!

Good luck man! Those two seem to be going for a bit more atm. Especially Mewtwo but that card is very cool so it’s worth it haha.

@spinch that true! Hopefully I can get my hands on those sooner then later

im so jelly… that display of all the cards would be amazing to have. Congratulations!

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