Should I sell two gold stars for an ungraded Charizard?

Hello, a friend of mine just pulled the Charizard from Hidden Fates. He offered to sell it to me for $550 and the card is in PSA 9 to 10 condition. I don’t have 550 in cash, so I am thinking about selling a PSA 9 Gold Star Alakazam and Jolteon as well as a PSA 10 Alakazam Secret Rare from Fates Collide to pay for it.

What are your thoughts on the potential ROI of grading the Charizard vs the potential for losing future growth of the gold stars?
What would you if offered this trade? Gold Stars or ungraded Charizard?

Keep your gold stars! I wouldn’t sell them for that zard if I were you.


(purposely hyperbolic for the sake of humour)
No one can predict the future. But for me, I would never buy a card while there’s so much (read: temporary) excitement around it especially if I’m concerned about the finances. Look at the market for the card today. Now imagine the market for the card in 7 years. Is there more supply or less supply? Are there more people actively looking for it or less? There’s your answer.
Not to mention, a PSA 9-10 condition sounds like the low end for this set.


The gold stars have been out for a decade+ and still have value and sales that you can look back on. Nintendo is also not making those boxes anymore. The shiny zard has been out for 3 weeks. Nintendo could very easily make more hidden fates boxes. Do what you want (like with all collectibles and your money :blush:) but this kind of trade is 100% speculation.