Primetimepokemon New Pokemon TCG Book

Looks like Primetimepokemon is publishing a Pokemon TCG book. In at 3 mins. Thoughts?


I like his openings: less hype, no stupid sound effects and more focus on the cards. So freaky to see him in person. His voice doesn’t match up to the image of him I had in my head.


that eye contact


You can tell this was very hard for him. I don’t anticipate face cam anytime soon.

I don’t blame him, talking to a camera is awkard as hell. He seems like a good guy and I hope nothing but the best for him.


Thanks for sharing, excited to get my hands on a copy of his book

Good for him! I’ll be ordering one.

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I never heard of him or that channel before today but I’ve gotten a hundred questions in the last 10 years from that username. Hmmmm…


Can you send me a prerelease copy of your co-authored book? :laughing:


I never would have guessed that’s what that guy looked like. for some reason i pictured a very heavyset person


I was wondering about this… Lol.

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This is how Nintendo/The Pokemon Company lose an opportunity of doing a great product and a great follow up to the Pokemon Bible. Not criticizing his work at all but more like… “How come Nintendo is not the one doing it?.. Because they messed up lol”

Yes. I can see that being a hot seller too. It’s good he’s packed it with much more than a price guide cause a price guides shelf life is very short.
Good job.

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Nah…he’s skinny like me :open_mouth:


You got it lol. Next time you come over I’ll sign it hihi.

He’s talking like an anchor and maybe even reading from a script. The biggest difference is the lack of head nods, inquisitive face gestures and hand movements. If he starts blinking & moving around a bit, he’d be great in front of a camera.


No where near as polished as our own Denzel Pratte.

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I plan on getting the book. I have high hopes for it. It will be interesting to see what people on Efour think of the book after its released. I also noticed he wasn’t so comfortable in front of the camera (he has done a face reveal in the past).

Any journalism majors here who can write a review:)

So is he selling this book? How long before Nintendo send him a C&D?