Pokemon Card in Phone Case?

My friend is a teacher for middleschool and told me alot of the kids have clear phone cases with their a pokemon card sandwiched between the phone. I immediately bought a clear case and started rocking a card, and have been for over a year now. I like to use my extra base set 2 cards because I won’t mind if they get destroyed. Currently rocking Arcanine, and change the card every few weeks. Does anyone else do this or am I the only adult?


I don’t have a clear phone case but I do use a Pokeball pop socket lol

My girlfriend is going to be a teacher after she graduates. She currently has a picture of us in her phone case like this but I’m going to tell her to swap it out with an Eevee card (her favorite) so you won’t be alone.

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I like it.
Maybe i’ll try it with some ol’ good cards to see if they get worse.
The cover+sleeve should protect the card a bit from major damaging (the phone falling down), but I’m worryed about the battery overheating.

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You have sinned


Do you have it in a sleeve in there? :joy:

How to find who the tru collectors are


INB4 we see ads for cases to display our phones with cards in the case.


Finger pyramid of evil contemplation

Yea it helps hold sand and lint in place so it can grind in deeper.


Not something that I would ever do, but I am glad that you like it! :slight_smile:

When I used to have an otter box for iPhone, they had a little circular window to display the Apple logo.

In the little window, I would put just the foil of Pokémon cards, well the Pokémon was attached too, but I would cut out the entire rectangular frame of the foil and put it there.

One time I also cut up the foil of a damaged jungle electrode, and then cut out Charmander from base set. Only charmander’s torso and head though, not the background. I taped the foil part of electrodes card to the background of Charmander and made myself a foil Charmander to display in my little phone case window.

It was pretty freaking sick and I would totally do it again if I have damaged cards that don’t have any real value.


You make me sick :face_vomiting:


I’m thinking a damaged base holo might be suitable…

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A coworker of mine actually does this. I was out to dinner with him in a work related event and saw the card and it sparked up a huge conversation between the both of us which was really nice. I was anxious as hell but as soon as I saw his DP Venusaur holo I went to town on showing him all my pokemon things and just talking shop. Was nice.

As for myself, I dont do this but its a really cool idea!


Classic size up situation to figure out:

  1. Does my constituent think I’m weird for being into Pokemon?
  2. How much do I tell them about my obsession?
  3. Are they as obsessed as I am?

I work at a K-12 school, I can confirm kids from middle school to high school do this here as well! I think it’s a nice way for kids to find friends who are into the same hobby. Way more efficient than when I was in middle school and we’d have to ask each other “Do you have pokey-mon cards?”


I had a japanese split earth holo umbreon in mine for a good 4 years in LP condition. It cost me 1500 yen, and honestly it doesn’t even damage the card all that much. Obviously I’m not gonna put a mint card in it though…

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