KromaticLanturn's Collection - The Girafarig (Kirinriki) Post

Dude get out of my head! Haha I LOVE imagining being a gym leader, and do so frequently. Hmmm…for my 8th, yeah I’m kind of thinking it would be Steelix, with Lanturn definitely also being a maybe. Ninetales is also somewhere in there as well haha. The problem is there are so many freakin’ awesome mons to obsess over! Anyways, thanks so much for the kind words, man. Def had you in mind while crafting that post. Glad you enjoyed, and I’ll try not to take another almost friggin’ year to post my next update haha.

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Again stories like that really bring a smile on my face, it’s great when parents figure what really is meaningful for a kid :blush: hopefully i can be the same kind of parent in the future!


Pokémon, connecting generations. If that ain’t a slogan, I don’t know. I absolutely love posts/ threads like these. Putting the loop on a specific Pokémon and admiring it in all its glory. Wonderful!


Thanks so much @joponnes and @vampire! I’ll tell you what’s really awesome, is that we diehard Pokémon fans can come together like this and appreciate each other and each other’s passions. Thanks for the kind words! And @joponnes, I’m sure you’ll deliver for your kids :wink: Just love and listen to them and you’ll do great!


Hey yalls,

Just a quick adjustment to the thread with this update and a few housekeeping things on the Girafarig Post. I was finally able to snag the Unlimited Bastiodon the Defender half deck, specifically for this beautiful boy! Very happy to add this to the Giraffe collection. 2 to go until complete!


Glad to see Girafarig appreciated like this! Great work and terrific story, @kromaticlanturn !

Not sure if you’ve heard this before or not, but the Japanese name for giraffe, and by extension, Girafarig, is quite interesting.

The “kirin” in Girafarig’s Japanese name, Kirinriki キリンリキ, originally referred to a mythical animal in the Sinosphere called “qilin” 麒麟 in Chinese. Qilin can be described as dragon-like unicorns (though there are many variations). Anyways, it was first used to designate the giraffe in the 15th century when an explorer brought back the then completely unknown species to China from Africa. While people in China no longer use the word qilin to refer to giraffes, it is, of course, still in common usage in Japan!
…So, perhaps you’ll now want to have a bottle of Kirin while enjoying your collection or searching for new Girafarig items! :grin:


Wow @taizokai! I had no idea about the qilin relationship to kirinriki! That’s awesome, and actually makes me like Girafarig even more! Thanks so much for sharing that , and also for stopping by my thread. Very glad you enjoyed and thanks again for the interesting history!