Japanese 1st edition vs English 1st edition

Looks like @mimighster already mentioned and linked all the threads I would have linked. Not too surprising, since I’m the guy who helped him recently in this thread. :wink:

As already mentioned, some Japanese UED cards are much rarer than their 1st edition counterpart. Especially for the E series, L2/L3 sets, and the World Championship Pack.

Almost all Japanese sets (ignoring a few minor exceptions) will be harder to find in UED than 1st edition. For their prices there usually isn’t a huge difference, unless the sellers know what they have in their hands. Today I received a lot of about 20 cards with some UED E2 and E3 cards for which I only paid 5 USD including shipping, but I’ve also seen an UED E1 card sell for about 75 USD because the seller (and buyer of course), knew it was a special promo release.

Still looking for two UED World Championship Pack cards to complete my Seviper collection, and also still need the UED E1 Pikachu. Luckily I do have the UED E3 (Skyridge) and World Championship Pack (EX Power Keepers) Pikachus already in my possession. :blush:
