Is Black Star Promo Mew #8 part of movie promo set?

It doesn’t help at all, as it’s just more anecdotal evidence, but I am also from the UK and I remember getting the non-holo Mew from a friend in a trade and I know he didn’t attend and league events or anything. At the time, I was just a kid and didn’t know the “proper” origin stories of all of these Black Star promos, so I didn’t ask this friend where it came from. I just knew I wanted it, and I think I swapped him the Moltres/Zapdos/Articuno jumbo promo for it.

That jumbo was another example of a different UK release of a promo as I believe it was a WB store promo to tie in with Pokemon 2000, but I got mine as a free gift packed in with and early issue of the UK “Pokemon World” magazine.


Seems there was one other way (albeit very rare!) to obtain this card in the UK!

“This piece was given to select UK retailers as a celebration of the successful year of sales that they have achieved in the year 2000. Only 20 were ever made. On the acrylic case you can see it is signed off by the Managing Director of the UK Wizards of the Coast branch at that time, Stephen Wilks.”

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Wow, what a cool find! I’ve never seen this before.

Posting the pics to preserve them.


A similar one was posted today on Reddit