Import charges

And then your country just takes that extra money and wastes it.


I second what Charlie said.

Let me add that the reason I don’t want to pay those extra taxes nor do I want my friends to is because governments are incompetent crooks. Screw em. Take care of security (both domestic and international) and infrastructure then leave the rest to us. A small sales tax should cover it all easily and allow for a surplus. Local, state, and federal governments should be reduced by 50% and should be part time with many volunteer jobs.

So there lol.


External Media

and I’m pretty sure the people in customs don’t know the price difference between a Eevee Fan Club promo and an Unlimited Rattata.



Its funny as i was going to ask about import fees as well.

I am trying to win an item that will be sent via ebay global tracking. so i have to pay the import fees up front, i would rather not pay import fees but i dont mind paying them.

my question is i bidded 355 and the import fees are coming out at 177 dollars to thats nearly 50% import fees plus postage on top of my item surely this import figure is wrong?



Someone can let me know if I’m misunderstanding something. I believe you’re from the UK so that’s what I will base this
When importing goods outside the EU, you have to pay both a Customs fee and a value-added tax (VAT). Based on that website, you have to pay a 2.5% Customs fee on the price of the card + the cost of shipping + the cost of insurance. So if you buy a $100 card that costs $20 to ship insured, you’re actually paying an extra $3 or 3% of the final price of the item. The VAT is an extra 20% of the value of the card + shipping + insurance + customs fee.
I also believe the GSP includes the cost of shipping in the $177 here.

But according to my math, the shipping cost + insurance would need to be about $78 for this to make sense:Customs = (355 +78) * 0.025 = $10.82VAT = (355 +78 + Customs) * 0.2 = $88.77GSP total = shipping + insurance + customs + vat = $177.59

Either way, at $50 shipping + insurance it would cost about $143.15 in GSP so $177 doesn’t seem far off

EU tax area:
Under 22€ no custom duties, from 22€ to 150€ no custom duties, but vat is payable ( in Finland 24%) and if total value off your order is more than 150€ you will need to pay custom duties+vat+extra 10% for playing cards (even they are collectibles :slightly_frowning_face: ) vat% is something your coverment have settle and custom duties % have been settle by EU I believe. I’m not sure how gsp is calculating those, somethimes they feel accurate somethimes not. 1€= 1,1…usd
Hope this helps.

It feels like customs is doing $1=€1 and ¥90=€1. They really do not use the most accurate conversion rates.

You are all welcome in the US.

IT’S TAX EVASION AND FRAUD!!! These are the kinds of people that never found these commercials hilarious:

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It’s 2019 and I would still download a car


thats totally crazy 50% import fees lol

Too many hands in the cookie jar trying to get a chocolate chip when one kid’s just trying to pass along a treat to his friend.

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I have never have had to ask sellers to mark down the value and usually the parcels arrive with $10 declared value or gift. Which of course I am greatful for but don’t expect :slightly_smiling_face:

I just assumed if I get hit with a customs fee in future, I’ll just pay it and take it on the chin.

I don’t spend usually spend insane amounts of money for psa cards overseas, usually the most I will spend overseas is $150 AUD.

Other than then ebay import tax (GST) which is usually something like $6-12 from memory, I haven’t ran into any high customs import charges yet.

I just had 3 different people message me this exact request: “Please mark down the packages and insure them”. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Also had another one ask to under declare, but they don’t want to pay the Express shipping charge for full tracking. :dizzy_face:

I typed it with a “You know who you are” glare.