I think I've developed a addiction to this website and pokemon cards

It’s been a while since I’ve been in your shoes, but I can offer some advice looking back on things:

  • Making friends is tough, period. Regardless of who you are, where you are, what you like, it’s difficult to find people who you genuinely jive with and it will take time. That said, the first step in making friends and lasting relationships is putting yourself out there. If you’re young, you can join sports, activities, or clubs at your school. You can get a job and become friendly with your coworkers. Keeping an open mind and letting yourself be vulnerable is crucial for personal growth.

  • Maybe I have an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think you should be spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on Pokemon cards at your age. Cards will always be around for you to collect. There are so many ways to enjoy the Pokemon franchise without spending so much money.

  • Addiction is a serious thing. If you think that addictive/obsessive behaviors are impacting your life substantially, you should speak to your family or someone that you trust about it. In the U.S., we have a national hotline for mental health and substance use referrals (including addiction of any kind): SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA

SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748(HELP4U) to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

If I were to give you direct advice on what to do next, I would recommend the following: 1) restrict your access to Pokemon content to two hours per day, 2) only access Pokemon content if you have completed your homework and other responsibilities, 3) seek employment before spending any money on cards or packs, and most importantly, 4) work toward building friendships and experiences this year - put yourself out there and try new things.



We can tell. Many of us have been there. Not trying to insult OP


You can insult whoever you want papa. Noob isn’t even Cabal


It’s always good to have a hobby, but it should not be taking over your life - especially when it seems more like a distraction. Buying things will never be able to fill the hole within you.

Don’t be so harsh on yourself, it’s great that you’ve come to this realization since awareness is the first step to solving a problem. High school won’t last forever and as others have said, it really fades into irrelevance quick, but while you’re there, just try to be the best version of yourself - you don’t need to change yourself to fit in or pretend, just be kind, not for an ulterior motive, but because both yourself and everyone else deserves that.

Also, if you have a strong and understanding family, you can open up to them or even ask if you can see a psychologist, counselor or coach if needed. You’re young, there’s no need to do it all alone.


Life is about moderation in all aspects

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Who goes to the gym literally every single day?

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I hope you will all excuse the self-promotion, but this feels relevant here. This is probably my favorite video I’ve posted to YouTube.


Physical activity is great for mental health, some people do workout everyday as it’s a free dopamine hit.


Heard. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to express yourself here. It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s tough when you feel like you’re stuck and don’t have many outlets or connections. It’s incredibly important to take care of yourself both mentally and emotionally.

Have you considered reaching out to a trusted adult or counselor about what you’re going through? Sometimes having someone to talk to can make a big difference. Also, I agree with other comments about redirecting your focus. Have you explored any other interests or hobbies outside of Pokemon? Exploring new activities might help you discover new passions and potentially meet like-minded individuals.

Take small steps at your own pace. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Know you’re not alone in this journey. Much love :heart:


Just throwing my two cents in. I sympathize with you.

As others have already stated in this thread, high school is tough, but temporary. Don’t let previous experiences prevent you from meeting people and cultivating relationships. There are plenty of people out there in the world who will value you for you.

There’s a great big world out there for you to explore once high school is over. You’ll look back in a few years and be in disbelief that you felt this way once you have the benefit of more perspective.


Make sure to take at least one rest day in a week! Type A personalities who go at it too hard end up not letting their bodies recover. Source: my physiotherapy professors.

Rest days definitely are important! Never work a muscle group that hasn’t fully recovered yet, and do not exercise through injury :slight_smile:


You should try to find a hobby. For example, in my case I use to draw or to write texts. You should find something that you like to do … Many people suggested you to go to the gym. I also agree with them … you should try to go at least 3 times per week.

I agree with the point mentioned by @eeveeteam . Generally in card shops, they use to run tournaments, you can meet people there and also make friends.

Absolutely true. In my case, I haven’t heard anything about my high school classmates since I finished it. They also don’t know anything about my life as well … You don’t have to worry about your classmates, you won’t see them in a few years … It sounds crude, but it’s the truth.

There’re more people out there than you think. The people from your neighbourhood should not be a factor to interfere you to meet new people.

If you don’t feel well, it’s important for you to talk with your family about this and together find a solution. You should appreciate the fact you have a family because there’re other people who have literally nobody.

Yes, as a student you might not have an established work. In consequence, you might not have much money.

As a collector, I can tell you that cards won’t run out of stock. Having said that, you should set goals you want to achieve and you should save money in order to achieve those goals. Also, you should not spend everything in the first card you see for sale … it’s definitely NOT a good idea.

I hope you have a good life …

-Omanyte -


Machamp, duh


That was my exact point…

Just came here to tell yall that I’ve read the messages after taking a little tiny break, and has currently been doing multiple events, like doing odd jobs for the money and volunteering at my church. You guys are the greatest
@pfm you dont need to ban me
@zubat I laughed at that comment lol
@dyl I’ve started to do stuff to restrict pokemon card spending, and putting myself within a budget in order to stop (I think it was a combination of factors that caused the spending)
@zooltchi I be going to the gym with machamp all of the time, he just hit a new PR and lifted everyones moms (dont ask me why)
and everyone else, thank you! I’ve finally been rediscovering old hobbies and going back to the gym, which has been doing wonders. I think that If I can actually do activites and other hobbies, I wouldn’t be focusing on this so much. looking foward to being back with yall





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I couldn’t tell, I don’t think the caveat of ‘unless you’re injured or haven’t healed yet’ was needed. I assumed that was a given.

All good though!

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