How many years have you been collecting and collecting stories

I started collecting in 99, but stopped around 2002 when the cards shifted to the e-series because it didn’t feel like the cards I loved anymore. I never stopped loving my vintage cards, but did not know how to get more as a kid in middle/high school. When I got to college I began looking into where I could get vintage cards again and started going hard around 2012. Still going strong today, but slowed down a bit.


I collected for a few years as a kid, nothing too serious but I was able to obtain a few ex cards, as that’s what was out when I was young. I’d usually save up my money to buy theme decks as I knew there was at least one guaranteed holo in there, and I wouldn’t be disappointed by opening packs! I outgrew it, but then rediscovered collecting in high school through Youtube (PrimetimePokemon, UnlistedLeaf, Wakeruncollapse, etc.). It was so exciting to see openings of old EX Series cards, and they were still relatively affordable in 2014 when I got back in. At that point I had a small part-time job after school, and had saved up a good amount of money for a high schooler. I was finally able to buy some of the cards I’d only dreamed of having as a kid!

After that, I was pretty much hooked. I wanted to move in a more exclusive and exciting direction with my collecting though, and discovered card grading and what was then known as the Ultimate Pokemon Card Collector’s Club, which would become E4. It’s been eight years since I’ve been back in the hobby and it’s been such an amazing time. It’s changed a lot, but I’ve been so fortunate to meet so many amazing people and acquire a collection that when I started I thought would be impossible!


I knew the forum was UPCCC before, but never knew what it stood for. :slight_smile: I join the forum near the start of 2016 at which point it was already Efour.



Here’s what the banner looked like when I joined :slight_smile:


Note to self: Send @xzini a wotc pack so she can have the experience of opening one! :sweat_smile:

I actually had a similar experience of fatigue during covid, and still do when posting on IG. I Love seeing collection threads and recent purchases here on E4, but IG feels like work. Maybe its partly due to when I post something I get like 5-10 bots “promote this, dm here”. :melting_face:


That banner is awesome!


Collected from age 7 in ‘99 till age 12 when the ‘dead’ period roughly started, post-puberty interests etc.

Got back into it 2010 and collected till 2012. Also imported booster boxes from the US to the UK (e-series mainly as you couldn’t find any in the UK even back then) and did a little bit of selling during uni.

Sold my entire collection by 2013 because the (seeming) lack of interest from everyone else made me question my own passion for the hobby and I doubted my financial wisdom at the time (biggest regret that I posted in the Ragrets ;_; thread).

Back in from 2016 when I heard about Pokémon Go, quite casual till 2019, still relatively casual now but more on the serious side.


So many of us have similar stories it’s crazy! My one regret is never opening Skyridge or Neo Destiny! I’d love to do it now but the pricing of packs makes no sense for a collector. Hmmm $1500 for a 1/3 chance to get a random Holo that could be a Ledian. Or simply buy multiple PSA 9s for the same price of some of the best cards? So because of that I can’t bring myself to just buy a pack or two

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