How Do You Organize Cards?

Since I have started collecting I have always wondered what the best way to organize cards are. I organize them by type then pokedex number in a binder. Im curious how everyone else does it.

I sort by release date, Base, Jungle, Fossil, etc etc

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card numbers in sets from oldest to newest.

By sets …and number.

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Pokédex > set/number > language

Don’t use this to organize your cards. To put in a new Bulbasaur takes weeks :wink:


I sort them in my psa case by date. Though the first row is all the good stuff.

My binders are complicated… i will have to show photos one day…

Generally: Set release dates

But if there are parallel versions of the card, they are side by side.

I.E my jungle binder is left to right across 2 side by side ultra pro pages: Clefable 1st edition holo, clefable unlimited holo, clefable error holo, clefable 1st edition rare, clefable unlimited rare - then Electrode etc

and it goes left to right across two whole ultra pro pages.

So if you imagine these are two ultra pro pages, side by side:

Page 1 Page 2
1,2,3, 4,5,6
7,8,9, 10,11,12
13,14,15, 16,17,18

Some sets, have Japanese mixed with them, and others are diagonally presented… >.<

Base set language sets are, 2 pages side by side of alakazam in all languages, 2 pages of blastoise in all languages. 2 pages of clefairy etc.

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Cards that are not used in decks go into Mega Lucario Box from Japan. Rare cards go to 60card binder. Other cards are sorted by types of cards: pkmn, trainer, energy
Pkmn>type>dex>set (holo first)
Trainer>language>type>alphabetically (Japanese cards in random)
Energy by types, all special energy in decks

By set.

The majority of cards in my collection are graded. Those I sort by language and type. So, I have one box for Japanese cards and one box for English, and Japanese full arts would go in a different place in the box than Japanese old ex cards, if that makes sense.

I sort my complete sets by age (earlier sets come first) and by card number obviously.

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Set age, then card number for sets, for my psa cards I just have them in stacks of 10s 9s and 8s side by side, I really need something to put them in.

I sort mine in stacks of 250 cards each held together with multiple rubber bands.


Then you seal the toploaders with tape right, this comment is not a trap for Gary.

I just kind of throw them in a box:

Kidding, kidding. I organize my Gyarados collection by Least Favorite, to Most Favorite

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I have seen this in person, can confirm it is an awesome setup. :blush:

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This is how I keep my dong AND my Pokemon cards…

You are a secret drug lord no ifs, ands, or buts

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Pokemon, drugs, girls…it’s all the same thing lol.

Actually, that 20 Million Dong is only worth a little over 1000.00usd;)

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Please Gary, tell us more about your Dong :blush:


Didn’t know you were into bondage.


Edit: I am so sorry, I couldn’t help it.