Gold Strip Theme Decks

i’ve seen prices for these vary between sub 400 dollars all the way up to 900+. :confounded: it’s hard to get an idea of a fair price when a good chunk of these sales don’t seem to be happening on the open market. there’s only two sold listings on ebay, and i’ve seen a few instagram sales floating around here and there. they do seem to be in active circulation, it’s just not in a manner that’s easy to track.

if you were selling a gold strip theme deck, what would be the minimum and maximum you’d ask for it? if you were buying a gold strip theme deck, what would be the minimum and maximum you’d pay for it?

I’ve sold a few of mine recently and none were under 750.00.


that’s good to know! gives me a number to shoot for. :blush: thank you for responding!

To be honest, I think your range is spot on. If I’m buying I’m probably hoping to pay $400, if I’m selling $700+.

I also think theme decks like Zap and Brushfire might sell higher than others as you have a chance at Ghost Pikachus or No Damage Ninetales, so keep that in mind. I’m not aware of possible error cards being present in the other theme decks, you guys can correct me if I’m wrong.


thanks for the input! that makes a lot of sense to me. i suppose some collectibles just have more variance than others. :slightly_smiling_face: