French collectors willing to middleman

Is there any French collectors who would be willing to forward a package for me on eBay? The seller only sells within France and I can buy the item if I have a French address to ship it to. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

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Just in case no one responds: I have used ColisExpat when I was in the same situation a while ago. But I can definitely understand if you prefer working with another person directly.


I’m going to look into them if I can not find someone. I’m able to make the purchase if I have a French address to send it to. So if I put a parcel forwarding service as the address they should then forward it to me but I’ve never done that so I’d assume that’s how it works

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Yes, exactly you get an address in France + some identifier (e. g. CXP123456) and you just use that as your address when making the purchase on ebay. Iirc I just put the identifier as my last name since the additional address info field was already needed for the actual address.

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Sorry, but what does lirc mean?

It’s an abbreviation of “If I recall correctly”

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