Hey everyone! I am new to the forum and glad I found this wealth of information!
I stumbled across this thread in the forum earlier this week when I was doing some google searches trying to understand the rhyme & reason for card distribution in boxes. After hours it seems like other then knowing how many cards in a pack and packs in a box, there’s not a ton of consistency.
My history is deeply in Magic the Gathering. I have played it for over 20 year and know the system in and out. There’s a wealth of sites for finding what the general value of a box is and generally the odds of pulling their equivalent of rares. So, with my thirst for number crunching, I am trying to find out what the general chance of pulling various rare cards in a box and if there are any equations people have put together.
So far the thread linked earlier seems to be the most accurate I could find. With pull rates sub 5 being a better box than those above. Is this the general consensus? Is there stuff I missed? I would love any input whatsoever on the topic.
Glad to be here!