E4 Collector Stories 2020 (POST HERE)

Great video @butchdawg32 ! I was already subscribed to you I just noticed when I wanted to subscribe, haha. :blush:

Nice built-up, and a touching story with a great ending as well. Very nice you were able to buy back your card!
Also funny how you’ve just bought a single card instead of some packs as a kid. I personally was the complete opposite. I received a pack from my parents, but when I went to school I traded away my first Holofoil (Chansey) for three other cards (Pidgeotto, Pidgey, and Vulpix). As a 7 y.o. kid I didn’t cared too much about the Holofoil cards, but only wanted more, haha. :blush: Here my Pokémon story (the start at least, the end is more a summary of mention-worthy purchases), which I posted a few times already. I’ve thought about signing up for your story time and tell it again, but I figured I’d let others be in the spotlight, since I already told most of my stories a few times in the past.
