Coro Coro Mew PSA 10 Price?

Hey everyone need your guys help; I am looking to find out if anyone has a general idea of the value of a Coro Coro Shining Mew PSA 10 based on today’s market. I cant come up with a price point due to the recent jump on Ebay with the last two sales compared to past sales prices. I’m in the market for one and would love some clarification, thanks everyone! =)

Past 3 PSA 10 Coro Coro Mew have sold on eBay as a buynow for $400-$420. There’s always one that comes up about every four months or so, Never any in auction. Price has jumped sense I bought mine in November of last year. you can find PSA 9 every day of the week they run about $117-$149.

Yeah, saw the last few sold in the 400s. Trying to decide if I should wait and see if those were a small market spike that will adjust or the new firm market value that will hold.

Glad I bought a PSA 9 for £50 a few weeks ago

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one just came up for 375 obo best shot at getting one below trending price. Good luck. seller:cardumbreon


nice man that’s less than half of what there going for now.

Nice find man, looking into it right now. I was going to originally bid on the PWCC auction that just ended but after looking at the bid history it was a red flag to shill bid.

Let me know how it goes best of luck.

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Purchased it. Was able to talk him down to $345. I also completly forgot I had $40 in vbucks I got in May that expire in literally 3 days. Call that a stroke of luck lol. So $305, can’t complain. :blush: Thank you again for that find!

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Awesome!! Not a bad deal at all. glad I could help :blush:

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