CoolTrainerTony's NEW Collection Thread (Update 8/22)

Just became aware that there is a gallery mode on discourse. Just wanted to see if it would be worth it to transition the thread to using this!

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@lamplamp Mentioned gallery mode to me. Does it basically just put the pictures side by side like your last post Tony?

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yup exactly that

So much easier because before i had to manually do that on photoshop.

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Hmm I might try it now. I think I have like 175 graded cards or so at this point so condensing the pictures would make them easier to display. I also really like each card and don’t want to just post a few. I’ve also been seeing some of these glass displays some of the collectors have and those look amazing. I’d love to get abunch of those. I still need to also grab more graded card binder sheets like I was planning. I got like 20 pages so far and they make it really easy to sit back and enjoy the cards like my old binder days! It will also make things easy for a possible video or two in the future.

Nice slab collection you have going!

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Man it looks good on desktop but on mobile the images dont show the full thing :upside_down_face:

Amazing collection. Those ex holos just hit when displayed together :heart_eyes:

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Haha thank you! It looks really nice on desktop, unfortunately it crops the images on mobile which im not a fan of

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