Cartoon Network GToons

Not sure how many others used to log in to Cartoon Network after running home for DBZ, but someone recreated the GToons game from 2000-2006. I figured I’d drop the link in case anyone wanted to get some quick nostalgia.

I remember loving this for a few years since you could play mini-games to collect currency to buy packs. If anyone else played this, please shoot out a random memory :blush:


Thank you for this. I used to wait for codes to be broadcast to get exclusive pieces. I had quite the strategy that I could play and really enjoyed the game with so many great characters, multiple win methods, and interesting interactions with eachother. It was a shame that so many early flash games for kids cartoons were taken down and removed.


I remember running a jawbreakers and Edd, Ed, and Eddy strategy. I loved cartoon orbit, getting the ctoons, the gtoons, decorating my space.

I also enjoyed those random generated usernames, mine was Fancy Doodle Miner :laughing:


I always wanted to get the Jawbreaker, but I know I never got it. Whenever I went against someone I knew it was over :joy:

I know I had Mange so I thought I was badass. I hope someone makes something similar one day. Tricking out our space was so much fun.

Also, loved the Samurai Jack game! :ok_hand: