bulbapedia completeness

Bulbapedia’s pages are usually quite complete for English and Japanese variations, although you have to open up the individual card and set pages for more information about special releases (holo alterations, stamped cards, and such). Also, World Championship Decks; error cards; Jumbo cards; and Teach Set cards usually aren’t mentioned.

I make lists for single Pokémon collectors. Although it’s a bit outdated, I already made a Raichu list in the past (mid-June 2017).

Some variations are also lacking on Bulbapedia, like the ©1999-2000 Base Set and Fossil Set, and all 1st edition stamp variations in general. As well as the MATCHPRINT cards.

Although this sounds like a lot is missing, in terms of English and Japanese cards Bulbapedia contains about 97.5% of all cards and variations for most Pokémon.

If you open up the individual card and set pages, I’m pretty sure it contains all information for all English Alolan Raichu and Torterra cards.

Hope this helps!
