Any website recommendations to display collection?

Hi, what are some good free websites for displaying card collections?

E4 is pretty decent.

But if you show a moonbreon we can be a bit judgemental


Lmao, you definitely won’t see a Moonbreon :joy:
You reminded me that I need to update my collection page on E4 also!


Congrats! You’ve found it


The main platforms that I can think of are:

  • e4
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • Twitter

e4 will have the fewest bots/trolls and the most supportive members.


Taking advantage of this thread, does anyone know any template for wordpress that allows to publish a collection in a simple and visually appealing way?

I tried to help me chatgpt for my website, where I intend that people can select by year, by collection name, by language, but I can not find any template that I like and I have no knowledge of programming. I have even tried to do it through woocomerce to better categorize the collection and make it as “products”, without success.

Thank you very much


There is collectr but 95% of it is all the same stuff and most of the people on there are not very tolerable. Almost everyone over there is more concerned with how much there fresh pull is selling for but hey if thats your thing :point_right::point_right:


There is a thread on e4 a collector posted how he made his spreadsheet step by step and how to write the script to it auto updates.

Sorry I can’t help with your question but you brought to light wordpress which I could explore for my collection goals! Thanks!

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If you want to pay, I can refer you to my web programmer of confidence! He is the one who has built my blog !

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