5/11 - Aquapolis H14 Kingdra PSA 10 and some other Kingdras

Current wants:
All wanted in ENG unless otherwise

Kingdra EX Team Rocket Returns RAW (mint, PSA 10 worthy) - £70
H14 Kingdra Aquapolis PSA 9/10 - £200/£420
XY39 - PRIMAL Kingdra

Any other Kingdras welcome!


Bump - new WTB. Previous WTB acquired.

Bump! Really looking for that Lance

I have a PSA 9 first edition crystal kingdra - would you be interested?

I was gonna say “1st edition crystal card?” but I forgot about japanese cards lol

My bad! forgot to mention Japanese - Wind from the Sea set

I respect your pokemon of choice, very good. I really like seadra tho, but all the evo line is good


Already got a JP Crystal that’s on my way to me, but thank you!

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Maybe you can message the seller of this listing: www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Japanese-FirstEd-VS-2001-PSA-LOT-Lances-Charizard-Dragonite-Gyarados-/324331790975 ?

Thanks! Nice find. However, it being from the US makes this not worth it for me :confused: I can try to ask him for a price tho.

Bump - looking for Gym stuff

Bumpy dumpy - sell me your kingdras

Are you after the Holo Kingdra for $70? 0.0

Yeah for sure! Do you have one?

Interested in a Japanese crystal psa 10 1st ed?

Nope sorry, not interested in crystals anymore.

Roger that captain

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No I don’t but I don’t think anyone would sell for anything close to that for the PSA 10 holo. Most of the rare holo PSA 10s sell for 200+. Some up to 1k.

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Oops I edited it now - meant to say raw in PSA 10 condition. Thanks!

Ah makes sense haha - I’ll keep a look out :blush:

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