Your Biggest Collectible Failure (Value Wise)

It can be a pokemon related Collectible or anything else.

On another thread someone mentioned I was lucky because of some of my successful collectibles.

I’d like to take credit for being lucky but, alas, I can’t. Every time I guessed that a collectible may turn into a great investment I was wrong and I’m still sitting on piles of many of them.
Some examples:

  1. Mid to late 1960s and 70s Mad Magazines
  2. Hoarding Doctorates on Gaia
  3. 1980/90s baseball cards
  4. 1930s office machines (typewriters, adding machine etc.)
  5. 1990s orange card Star Wars
  6. 1990s fantasy comics and fantasy artist cards.
  7. Many more…

My successful collectibles were always chosen for specific, tried and true reasons of which no luck was involved. Degree of success you could certainly put in the luck column but success as a starting point, no.

So we all don’t feel as bad, what was your biggest miscalculation/failure;)


I can do a list:

  1. Invested in Kaijudo TCG (Sold out in time and didn’t lose cash but I lost a lot of time and effort)
  2. I still have some print newspapers for historic events that haven’t paid off yet.
  3. When I collected puzzles I chose a lot of mass-produced items that did not fare well when I should have gone customs from famous creators
  4. I got cold feet on Netflix stock before it quadrupled. (Okay, okay, not really a collectible)
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A collected a number of items including Spawn figures, 90’s Star Wars figures & 90’s Comic books. Those were more for enjoyment of collecting than for future value though. Still have most all those.

I think there are two collectibles that I regret selling way too early that I would have financially benefited from hanging onto:

  • Early Magic cards. I played from early Revised and collected a number of Mox/ Time cards. But sold them all off to a local comic shop during one of the low points in the hobby. Ooooooops!
  • Neo Geo games. I had a pretty massive collection of US Neo Geo games. I cringe when I look at the prices they fetch now. I decided to sell much of my video game collection at that point. I came to the understanding that the chips the games were coded onto would eventually fail (it was happening with Atari games at that point) so I figured it’d be best to sell off my collection before the games began to fail. Ooooooops x2!

Sold my collection ~10years back for absolute pocket change (less than 600$). The cards I had are easily worth 5000-10.000$+ now. :slightly_frowning_face:

sold my near complete base set psa 10 shadowless 1st edition set 2 years ago as i needed money for real life and 1 month later pokemon go came out and tripled the price :slightly_frowning_face:


Omg I hope you didn’t have a charizard in the mix…

nope but had blastoise now the blastoise is worth more than i sold the set for i tried getting it back but he didnt want to sell lol sucvks for me

I sold my two sealed base set unlimited boxes about 4-5 yesrs ago in college for $500 each. Not the worst “potential value” but I’m sad I didn’t keep one for myself. I was in need of money, though, so not exactly a regret, but yeah!

Personally, I have had many of missed opportunities, but no loss is value long term (I have only collected Pokemon, I do Magic and comics but only for fun). I think (in regards to Pokemon at least) if you hold any item long enough that you will start to see growth in value.

Quick Question: What do you think is the opportunity cost of money (as a percent) in regards to Pokemon? I am thinking maybe 4% or 5% per year. Thoughts?

I worked in a card shoppe in my mid teens and remember when the first set of Magic came out but never had the desire to collect a TCG (only liked animation and fantasy art collections). I also finished working their and collecting cards ultimately because I was entering my late teens and found alcohol, drugs and girls existed. This was just prior to Pokemon hitting the shelves. Sitting here now I wish 1. I liked Magic and 2. I continued collecting because am sure I would have entered the Pokemon realm and was a fairly fanatical collector with looking after things and needing to complete. Life ehh?!


That’s really bad luck. In a parallel universe you’ve sold the cards and they are now worth nothing as digimon rules the world. I guess you never really know so you can’t be too hard on yourself :confused:


i am everytime as i want to collect the set until this day but never recovered from that :slightly_frowning_face:

I recently bought a lot of 15 different cards for 475$ after shipping and import. Misstake since I did not check quality porperly untill after the bidding war. I got carried away and even tho there were a gold star charizard, base set 2 charizard holo and a dark charizard non-holo 1st ed card the overall quality of the cards seems to be maybe psa 3-5. As a relatively new collector, this is my biggest misstake yet. A valuable lesson in the end for me, set a max price and stick to it.

Thanks to everyone who’s sharing their stories :blush:

  1. Sold off 25 1st ed Yugioh boxes from MRD-AST for $2800 3.5 years ago. The guy pulled 2 Mirror force out of 3 of the MRD boxes

  2. Sold a PSA 10 1st ed Charizard earlier this year to a good friend on here. 3 weeks later the price jumped 7k.

  3. Scammed out of 7 1st ed Gym Heroes boxes. I was getting back into Pokemon and I sent first. A well known collector said he was a good guy, but I misread his email which actually stated to be careful. I glossed over the wrong word… The guy kept/stole the boxes & never completed the trade.

  4. In first grade I traded a pack fresh Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie for a “Babe Ruth”. It looked old, but it was from a cereal box. That’s when I learned if it’s too good to be true…


Ive continued to do this over the last month… Still haven’t learned.

Bought a collection just now for 100… 52 holos… All in sleeves in a binder - dude said hes had them since he was 9… took them out of the sleeves and most of them have been creased and damaged pretty badly… oh well!

Got a charizard out of it… bad shape though :grin:

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Let me weave you a tale of childhood innocence and regret. What is the rarest, most desirable card next to the Holy Grail 1st ed Zard? The Holy Star. The Spiralsturmangriff. The Black Quaza. English EX Deoxys Rayquaza Gold Star. It is here where our story begins.

I was a young lad on vacation in Florida. I bought a $5 EX Deoxys pack. Little did I know the Holy Star itself laid entombed in this foil coffin. I broke the seal on the tomb and I held the Sky Snake carefully in my hands. I knew this card was special. At that moment I became the embodiment of my username. I was the Flying Master.

But fate is a cruel mistress. For some reason, all of my holo EX Deoxys cards would warp, as if bending down to the Noir Quetzalcoatl himself (seriously, what’s with this set?). Eventually, even the Golden Beast himself would succumb to the pressure… I could have thrown the card and it would have came back like a boomerang.

Alas, hope was not lost for I had in my possession an object to undo the accursed spell. A leaf press. With this weapon, even the most unruly leaves could be straighted and preserved forever. But would it work on Pokémon cards? There was no time to waste. I summoned the Guardian of the Air and slapped him down between two slabs of cardboard. I tightened that press to absolute tightness. There would be no escape.

A month passes and I am ready to release the Shiny Lord from his second tomb. I unscrew the press and pull out the card. It worked! The card was as straight as it was the day I pulled it! But… something was wrong. Battle scars. The card was riveted in the shape of the corrugated hug of the cardboard press. Eternal sadness. I have damaged my god.

I prayed to the Holy Star every night. The card actually lost the rivets (mostly) over time. I’m getting it graded soon out of respect.

tldr: I wish I was nicer to my Rayquaza gold star


Reassuring to hear that I am not he only one then haha! However, not so reassuring for my wallet to hear that it might take some time to learn hehe. I pray we both hit a jackpot next time :sunglasses:

Ah same for you ey, well like you said ‘‘Got a Charizard out of it’’ in the end atleast :grin:



Nothing devastating, just a few amusing mistakes:

  • Trading my holo Raichu for a Machoke back when I was a kid.
  • Selling a mint Crystal Lugia for $20 many years ago.
  • Believing that my Crazy Bones collection would be valuable one day.

Possibly the best story I’ve read on this forum.