WTT/WTB Creatures Deck box, Team Aqua deck, and Kalos Starter Collections

Longtime out of stock. About 4years since theyve had one. Trollandtoad is similar. Maybe 2-3years for cardmarket as well. There are currently a few sealed decks on ebay as well but none are international versions.

I was just about to give you a troll and toad link lmao

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I am very in tune with the deck market. But these last 4 have been proving a tough find. Appreciate you looking. No worries if they arent found right now, with pokemon things will always eventually turn up.

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Last one I’m gonna post for today.

it isn’t showing up on the embed though.

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Still the US version and not International version, but Mercari is also part of my alerts :joy:

Me slamming the desk because I thought I had this in the bag.

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Just dropping in to say I bought a complete creatures wooden box including all the accessories for just a bit over $1k a few months ago (Enndal). Another data point in case you’re wondering how much they’re going for lately @lyleberr


Thanks! I figured thats the value but I saw one on ebay listed for $2000 and said he was holding out for $1500 before he delisted. My price was about $1k, but for a trade I am happy to reasonably over value it with a range depending on quality and the user. The whole box and accessories would be amazing and would add another grail to my collection that I thought Id never be close to getting.


Just writing to say best of luck in the search!

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