WTB: Fan Club Eevee 500 pt

Looking to buy a Fan Club Eevee card for ~$1700, either raw/ungraded or up to PSA 8.



Updated this post because I was able to find a copy of 141/SM-P!

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Raised the price I’m willing to pay for 189/BW-P and removed XY3 Unlimited since I was able to find a copy

I do not want to burst your eevee bubble, but as a fellow eeveefanatic i can tell you; the REVERSE holo UNLIMITED japanese eeveelution cards? Very hard to find. The RH 1st edition is sometimes to be found, but I am not making the following up; i have been looking for the umbreon and espeon RH unlimited from L2 (the same set as the eevee you posted) NOTHING to be found in like 6 months. Even when you would google/internetsearch for that umbreon card, there is almost no info on it! kinda feels like a myth now ahaha. But i haven’t been super active in the tcg community the last two months, but now i have some more time so i will be on the hunt again and i’ll update you if i find something!

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I have seen 3 Eevee L2 mirror unlimited over the past 2 years, so there is hope.

Umbreon on the other hand… I know of no less than 5 people checking daily for it, so if one pops up, it’s gone


Oh for sure, the search for RH unlimited L2 cards is unforgiving :laughing: but they do exist! So I’ve just got to keep looking when I can.

I do really appreciate you keeping an eye out for this card now that you’re back! Best of luck with your collecting goals.

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Updated this post to remove 189/BW-P and increase the price of the last card I’m looking for at the moment.


Damn that’s a nice card!


Thank you! So happy to finally have it in my collection :o)

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Updated this post as I’ve finally saved up enough to start looking for a Fan Club Eevee! :smiley:


Saved up enough to start looking for a Fan Club Eevee again. Upped my buy price as well.

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I really hope you snag one Hola. The lowest I’ve seen lately was $2400

This 8 recently went for $1,600.

@holahart safe to assume the last 2 Japanese you need is Fan Club and Scramble? Figured having legend mirror already rounds out the top 3 rarest ones.


Oh good find

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Yep I based my price on that listing and another PSA 8 that sold on a popular Facebook page for $1500 recently. I also bid on this minty ungraded copy but couldn’t go that high back in July.

And you’re correct that the last Japanese cards I need are Fan Club Eevee and Scramble Eevee :slight_smile:

Just sharing this listing with you. Unfortunately there is a crease line going which is visible at the back so not a clean copy, but it is at your price point. I will keep an eye out for other copies at your price range.



Thank you! I appreciate your help :smiley:

Bump, upped my budget to $1700

Rare time where 2 PSA 9s are currently at auction at the same time


I’ll be keeping a close eye on those auctions! :slight_smile: cracking a 9 for the binder would be awesome.