WTB English XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff, Missing Ink Layer Jigglypuff -- Finder's Fees Included

It’s a legitimate photo, he definitely owns them. We just need to be patient.


I’m not doubting that he owns/owned them. I’m only doubting that he intends to sell them to us.


I no it not English



Bump! My wife and I were able to attend the New Jersey Collect-a-Con today and we had the amazing opportunity to meet PokeRev and CooltrainerRyan! It was a very nice experience meeting them, and they were generous enough to sign a card for us!

We didn’t expect to get any signed cards/autographs at this event, nor did we expect to see/meet any of our favorite Pokémon Youtube creators! We were fortunate enough to have some extra Wigglytuffs with us, both amazing cards as well!


Should have said something earlier, i couldve made your searching dreams come true! Im not as cool as those signatures but its always nice to see an internet person for real.

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That’s true! I did see earlier that you were going to attend but I wasn’t sure what day/time you were going and didn’t want to bother! I’m sure this won’t be the only time we’re at the same event!

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Did we ever get a response from @Venndaniel regarding the Trainer Kits? Would love to buy one, happy to discuss a price with them.

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if anyone has a copy of the 60 cards id be interested in buying a set. I’m not fussed about condition either I’m just looking to fill gaps


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Bump! Unfortunately struck out on purchasing a missing ink layer 151 Jigglypuff error (OP wasn’t interested in selling as of now). This marks the 2nd time missing an error like this, however in this situation it’s completely understandable as I was messaging someone whose intent was to just showcase their error pull, not exactly sell.

Otherwise, I did manage to acquire the 2016 McDonald’s Jigglypuff, including a 2nd copy of the English version in NM (our current version is NM but had an indent, which I suspect was from shipping) along with the Russian version as well.

Currently on the lookout for the usual suspect (XY trainer kit) and otherwise have been keeping an eye-out for any unique error/misprint cards, as I’ve always found interest in these (my wife not so much).

Below is the image of the Russian McDonald’s Jigglypuff we added to our collection.
(This message is not sponsored by COMC)


I have a lead on one of these locally to me in Canada unfortunately it has been opened, but apparently never played with would you be interested? I’m still getting more details from the local seller.

Looking from the photos the images show a near mint box.

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I’m game for an open kit! As long as it has all the pieces, not even necessarily all the cards, I’d be happy to get it. Finding individual missing cards isn’t such a challenge.

Bump! It’s been a while, and I’ve been meaning to provide some updates about some recent events.

First, my wife and I did attend Pokémon Worlds 2024! We thought Hawaii was a great destination as we would have liked to vacation there regardless. We also had the privilege of meeting RealBreakingNate and Marie! Both were very nice in person, and we were able to chat with Marie for a little while. They were both even nice enough to sign a card for us!

We now have signed cards from PokeRev, CoolTrainerRyan, RealBreakingNate, and Marie in our Jigglypuff species collection! All of which we’ve met in person, which is the better part of it all.

More importantly, with a BIG thanks to @Conwaytweeety, I was able to acquire a 2nd “complete” in box XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff. Thank you again @Conwaytweeety for your thoughtfulness and allowing me the opportunity to own another one of these elusive trainer kits.

I now own two “complete” in box sets (I say “complete” as, details later) and a “complete” out of box set, all of which include the rule books, cardboard deck box, punch-out damage/status tokens, etc. This was a huge pickup for the collection in my eyes (just don’t ask my wife, she doesn’t approve when I buy things we already own :slight_smile: )

I say “complete” as funnily enough all three of my “complete” sets, i.e. those of which also include original non-card contents, do not contain the code card. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, when I started looking for this deck I took notice of the popularity of the “Claw Barrage” deck (i.e. Bisharp half-deck on the Pokémon online game) and saw many old website pages selling the code card, many times at $20 or more.

Funnily enough, I’ve only ever been able to acquire one physical code card for this set, which resides in our Jigglypuff species collection binder (along with another compete Wigglytuff 1/2 deck). I do own 1 or 2 digital codes, as I found a few on TCGPlayer/eBay but these were email only unfortunately.

I suspect this product was not printed heavily, as I’ve found practically all other trainer kits online (all other XY half deck kits, BW, and early Nintendo era). From what I’ve seen in my search so far, I theorize most Bisharp/Wigglytuff kits were opened given the demand for the code card for use in the online game. Just a theory, I was not back into Pokémon around 2016 yet, so I can’t say for sure.

Below are photos of all of these items!

The newly acquired trainer kit:

The “I don’t have a problem according to my wife” original contents collection so far. (The cardboard deck box below also includes a complete set of both 1/2 decks)

The code card for the XY Trainer Kit

Overall, I will not give up on my search for the sealed product (though my wife will not be happy if I do find one, as buying something a third time will only reach to similar levels as my PSA 9 base set Blastoise collection).

It’s been 2.5 years since starting this hunt. I’d like to thank all of you for your support through this, it’s been very helpful. I’d also like to thank those of you who also share your collection achievements and pickups, it’s inspiring to see others also find “niche” items like this for their collections.

And a very special thanks to @lyleberr @acebren and @Conwaytweeety for helping me make this particular collection goal and post possible.


If you’re willing to part with that spare kit, I’d be happy to negotiate a price. I’d consider what you spent to be the finder’s fee as a baseline and go up from there.