WTB Bathing Ape x Pokemon T shirt L (Long Shot)

This collection released exclusively in Japan… I was unable to score at the time, and I am still unable to find an authentic shirt in the color I want. Bathing ape is a highly sought after brand…the kind that sells out instantly like a hyped sneaker.

Looking to pay around $50-100 for a size L hopefully, although I’m not too sure on the price of this exact colorway as I haven’t seen it for sale. The white version has sold between 50-100 although its less desirable.

Thanks in advance!

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Good luck finding! I loved this collaboration. Personally super keen on all the FRGMT apparel they’re releasing!

That’s actually pretty tuff, good luck.

Yeah, I’m say try looking on stockx but chances are of they do have it. You’re not gonna pay what you are asking

Man that is awesome!