Why? Because F#$% You, That's Why.

This really annoys me. It starts in June so my summer sales won’t be affected when I go back to the States, but once I get back it’ll be an issue. I know all my card prices/values in USD, not the freefalling Loonie. Thoughts from my Canadian friends? Also, thoughts on why they would do this, makes no sense to me.

I post my listings on .com so I’m fine even though I’m in Canada xD

Could it be from a practical standpoint? Maybe it’s easier for buyers if everything is in one currency only.

Ouch @reinasierpe
That really sucks that you have to convert each time :slightly_frowning_face:

I also only post on .com so doesn’t bother me

Rah Rah Rah… Australian dollar sucks… Rah Rah arhhh