When Is Subgrading Worth It?

If the company offers half grade increments, I want subs.

If the company primarily grade in whole numbers, I don’t want subs.

Basically, I think a grade should be all about the details or just be an basic statement about the card. Not much middle ground. For the record I prefer PSA.

If the grading company offers sub-grades and the sub-grades aren’t visible on the label I immediately lose interest. A big part of the reason I only really collect PSA-graded cards is because their labels are consistent* - it’s always the same colour and it’s always the same format.

* The wording used on the labels on the other hand is far from consistent, I’m not going to pretend it is.

All the cards I have submitted to Beckett have all come back with sub grades. I prefer having them.

Not having sub-grades on a slab doesn’t make cards harder to sell.

Only send BGS 10 candidates to BGS via the no subgrade option so when they do get them, they get the subs for free and for those which come back 9.5s, you know you’re gonna send them to PSA for the 10 since they were guaranteed PSA 10 at the start.

CGC doesn’t give out free subs for their 10s tho.

I sent my first sub to cgc today and nearly every card had sub grades except for a few random ones

My conflict with subgrades is the clutter of information. I personally wish BGS kept the subgrades on the back of the slab, I have the information and it’s not an eye sore.

If a subgrade is lower than the overall grade it doesn’t do the same for me and it devalues the card for me and when you have quad subgrades it increases the value for me.

Just an example, I prefer the look of quad 9.5s over 10,9.5,9.5,9.5

