@escheck @rtas Thank you! Can’t believe I overlooked this set!
Wow $40?! I’m a sucker for shadowless and finding one in the wild is even better. Awesome pickup!
Awesome deal!
I can’t really tell from the photos but they are reverse holo.
I bought these cards. GEN III had an imaginative terrain and I like how the early sets reflect that.
Oh that omanyte is a veritable banger
Absolutely beautiful binder page.
At that price, I reckon they didn’t even know it was shadowless
Thank you so much! I have a modern binder where I’m collecting gen 1/2 pokedex (and some select others) art rares as they are released. It’s mostly pretty inexpensive and fun to update
niceee thats a great pickup
These Chinese exclusive promos I couldn’t pass with Red, Green and Blue with their respective starter.
I’m from México, so this box rarely can see and is overpriced. One good friend buy this and send me for a good price. I’m very happy to have it in my hands
Another pojo guide to the collection here are a couple of pages since there are a lot there is even millenia calender
Mail of the last few days. A little progess in the VS binder and some more Gen 3 Holos. I love the artwork of the Manectric, one of the overlooked Arita artworks in my opinion.
Manectric is such a cool pokemon, love that card
Yes it IS! Love the textures and lighting in that work!
Congrats in the progress in Vs. It’s worth it!
Thank you! I got about 10 cards left in the VS binder (unfortunately the two most expensive ones are among those) and I really hope that I can finally finish the binder in the next few months.
I LOVE the set. Which are you looking for, and I’ll keep in mind when I browse my search feed?
Me too, it’s my favorite set of all time. I am missing Karens Umbreon, Lances Charizard, Rockets Entei and Wobbuffett and a couple of cheaper cards.
Thanks a lot for the offer it is really kind and I appreciate it. As a I am based in Austria I am mostly looking cards from within the EU or Japan. Shipping from the US is usually not worth it on single cards and Austrian customs can also be a pain in the ass. But nevertheless thank you for the offer!
Fantastic pickups, and I couldn’t agree more about that Manectric being an underrated beauty!
oh wow, thanks for sharing. I’m going to hunt these down. I really love Tokiya and Kawayoo art. Its so angular and I can’t get enough of it. For the sake of find these what do I look for? I’m uninformed about all the mainland china exclusives they keep getting. All I have are those rainbow rare venusaur and blastoise vmax cards.